As a kid (before college) 20 years ago I trained at a TSD MDK gym in Central NJ, I was able to achieve my first Dan before heading off to college and losing touch (and gaining a freshman 20). I now live in Colorado and there aren't any studios within a reasonable distance from my home but I'd like to find a way to pick up my study again. I still have my old Gup manuals and "Soo Bahk Do Tang Soo Do" by Hwang Kee as reference material but no teacher/instructor/trainer available. Has anyone else had some experience picking up on their own? Do I look for a non-MDK affiliated studio, do I look for a similar style, or do I look for something completely different? I'd love people's take on this or some advice.
Bumping this thread to find out what you wound up doing and because I am in a similar position. I trained for 3 years in the early 80s at Yi's Tang Soo Do in Cherry Hill, NJ. I didn't get as far as you, as I quit after reaching the rank of Cho Dan Bo. Then I went off to college, also gained some weight, and left my TSD training behind as I went forward in my life.
I am now in my early 50s, and decided I wanted to start training again. Only thing is, there are no TSD places around my area to train. So I am now enrolled in Tae Kwon Do. And, I am starting as a white belt. Which is fine by me. I watched a black belt sparring class, and without doubt, I am not prepared to spar with black belts yet.
Most of the kicks, blocks, and punches seem similar or identical to what I remember in TSD. The color belt forms are different, though, so I have to learn all of that. And, I need to work myself back into martial arts shape. It is a hard thing to accept, but 35 years and 70 lbs is something that will take time to get back to.
But back to OP's original question. While I would like a chance to practice TSD again with a real TSD master, it is not something that is in the cards, for now.