1. As the saying goes...location..location.. location.
2. Offer something different! Tons of martial arts schools all doing the same old thing. By this I don't mean your art... I mean cirriculum.
3. Teaching children is a must for paying bills. (Have lot of tylonol on hand)
4. Just because you think your art is awesome..the general public don't know...and for the most part don't care. Don't think people are going to flock to your school because of your rank, or your art.
You could be doing the art of "pencil twirling" (there is a lot of crap out there that you will be competeing against.) as long as your presenting it or marketing right.
5. Be the most expensive in the area.
a) perception is everything
b) you will have just as much financial problems with the student (or parent) that pays you $25 or $30 per month as you would with one that pays $60 to $70 per month.
c) you will only need one of the latter as compared to the 2 of the former
6. Trial program! An absolute must. Builds bonds with student before asking them to commit.
7. Insurance is a must. Alot of associations out here...like the CJA have insurance ...$15 to $30 per student
Just a little info from experience...