Stars & Stripes Gi or dobok. Who's got one?


El Conquistador nim!
MT Mentor
MTS Alumni
Nov 7, 2005
Reaction score
Los Angeles, CA
I'm just a litlle curious as to who owns one. Maybe ya bought it cuz your school was in a 4th of July parade one year...Or ya liked the Bill Wallace early 80's look.

I don't own one, but I'll admit I've thought about it more than once.:boing2:
i had to google for it, iv never seen one before looks kinda neat tho
Wearing the stars and stripes of our nation as clothing demeans the symbol of our country and goes against the flag code.

I'd never wear one.
Like IcemanSK I remember Bill "Superfoot" Wallace wearing one and like shesulsa says "I'd never wear one" ...
shesulsa said:
Wearing the stars and stripes of our nation as clothing demeans the symbol of our country and goes against the flag code.

I'd never wear one.

Thank you, Georgia....I totally agree. Further, as a martial artist who presumeably is supposed to "check my ego at the door" when I train, personally, IMO, I find the flashy, look-at-me attire to be a contradiction to a significant tenet of my training.

I've always been an advocate of a "different strokes for different folks" mindset, but when it comes to my training, I consider myself to be a traditional martial artist. I have no desire to look like Evel Knievel or Flash Gordon. But that's just me.....If you feel a strong need to look like a Super-Hero, go for it. You can be a legend in your own mind.....
I wouldn't wear them. I'm with shesula and Martial Tucker on that.

But. . . I also wouldn't want a roundhouse kick to the face by someone that is wearing those bad boys.
crushing said:
But. . . I also wouldn't want a roundhouse kick to the face by someone that is wearing those bad boys.
Yeah, cuz they'd be a Rex Kwon Do student and you know how Uncle Rico turned out. ;)
I've seen 'em at tournaments and the like. Meh.:shrug:

They're not for me..I don't even like wearing patches so I'm definitely a minimalist.:)
Hello, For clothes there is on a voluntary code of use of stars and stripes. NO LAWS on the use for designer clothes or GI's

Flag patches are for military,police, and other government agencies

Flags can hang from sunrise to sunset, if on all night must be lighted.

Flags are not to be shown or carry in some parades and football games. Yep! They didn't know the law then...

If a flag fall to the ground it is OK to pick it up and use it again, only if old and worn must be destroy.

The Flag of America cannot be use to indorse any products. Lots of advertisement for 4th of July...borders the line here.

Today many of the flags you buy (Wal-mart) and other stores...are made in CHINA! nice huh? Who can effort American made flags? I would like to buy/own one! Especially the ones the flew on the Capital of America. ........Aloha
They aren't for me. I don't like patches either. The leadership team at my school wears flag patches on their right arm....but they do NOT where a right-hand flag (with the blue in the upper right).

It bothers me to see the flag displayed incorrectly.

As far as my gi, either basic white or Kenpo black for me.
The American Flag patch on our organization's uniform is optional. I do not choose wear one on mine. I didn't realize there would be such strong feelings about beyond the type of uniform it is. I like the occasional flashy uniform. I didn't stop to think folks had strong opinions about this one in terms of what the flag represents to them.
IcemanSK said:
The American Flag patch on our organization's uniform is optional. I do not choose wear one on mine. I didn't realize there would be such strong feelings about beyond the type of uniform it is. I like the occasional flashy uniform. I didn't stop to think folks had strong opinions about this one in terms of what the flag represents to them.
Iceman, I hope you don't take these comments personally towards you. I think it's important that we re-learn the roots of our patriotism and thanks to this thread, I think some of us have a better understanding as to the rules for the display of the colors.

Why not go for broke? Why not wear one of those rainbow afro wigs with your new duds? Oh, and don't forget the big red nose and floppy clown shoes while you're at it. Those shoes will give you an extra 3-4 inch reach on your kicks! Not to mention they really complete the outfit.
still learning said:
Hello, For clothes there is on a voluntary code of use of stars and stripes. NO LAWS on the use for designer clothes or GI's

Flag patches are for military,police, and other government agencies

Actually, the Flag Code is a law. ( has very good links to it.)

And wearing a flag on clothing is limited to the military or police OR patriotic organizations. Depending on how your martial art is organized, it may qualify as a patriotic organization.

Personally, I don't like flag patches on martial arts uniforms. Too many are worn improperly... and why would I want to wear the Korean or Japanese flag like I've seen some students do?
shesulsa said:
Iceman, I hope you don't take these comments personally towards you. I think it's important that we re-learn the roots of our patriotism and thanks to this thread, I think some of us have a better understanding as to the rules for the display of the colors.


No, I don't take it personally, shesulsa. I also think its good that we share our views on things like this. Although it can be polarizing, it can also be helpful if folks are open minded. Personally, it bothers me a great deal when I see the flag displayed in some places. I know this may be unpopular but, I don't think the American flag belongs in Church sanctuaries. There is freedom of religion in the USA, but it bothers me when faith & nationalism are too closely aligned. The connections between my faith & love for my country are merely coincidental.
searcher said:
Way to mid 80's for me and mine.
Agreed. I think a mullet is required as well, if you wear one of these incredibly cheesy dogi... :uhyeah: