Stamina Pain and Poomse


White Belt
Jan 18, 2009
Reaction score
Nottingham UK
Hello all at MT

Its been a while since posting as I have had a few issues to deal with but I need a little help and advice so......

Firstly I have been sick for a good few weeks and missed a couple of sessions and im struggling to stretch without pain and seem to have no stamina what so ever.

Im 31 a light smoker (trying hard to give up) and im slightly over weight for my hight, my training was going well but after a very bad chest infection I cant seem to muster up enough streinght to push myself very hard at all.

Any ideas ?


As i started TKD to late to get on the last grading day i have a few months to get my pattern / poomse right for grading but im just not grasping the right stances for the right moves for what they call pattern 1.

the first part i learned was in horse riding stance low block left to right, mid section block left to right, hi section block left to right followed by a punch- both arms then the same again reversed.

then the above was done in movement using differet stances to get used to them this is done for white belt yellow tag

Then we do pattern 1. I cant remember the name but alot more movement and turns and im finding it hard to remember where my body is supposed to be.

I want to practice this 1. at home and was wondering if anyone knows a website with good demo videos or somthing else that could help to guide my out of class because I am starting to lose confidence in myself.

Im in a BTCB club and love TKD I just want to get it right hence my long post

Thanks in advance


Stuff that's to be expected!

First of all, make sure the chest cold is gone. Nothing is really worse than trying to do pretty much anything with a cold. It may take a while to be fully gone (another part where being older hurts, we fall back faster and catch up slower)

Also, learning the new patters is a difficult thing. Most of us never need to know where all arms and legs are under normal circumstance. I have always been athletic, watched my son do the pattern for 2 month and still I felt like my limbs did not belong to me. So don't give up. Once things start to make sense other than a sequence of moves it will become much easier.

As to stamina, keep at it. That's all I can say. That, too will get better as you keep working out. Again, the cold threw you for a loop there, once that is gone (and best of luck quitting! Smoking I mean) you will find it easier, too.
Phobia, if you're BTCB, you're doing the KKW curriculum, and 'pattern 1' is typically Kicho Il Jang—which is nothing other than the Shotokan karate Taikyoku Shodan kata, borrowed into Korean karate by the Kwan founders when they went back to Korea at the end of the 1930s with their Japanese karate black belts and started schools there. Check the web for 'Kicho Il Jang' (the spelling may be slightly different but you should be able to find it) or 'Taikyoku Shodan'. I'm sure YouTube had clips of both that can jog your muscle-memory about what happens when.
Phobia, if you're BTCB, you're doing the KKW curriculum, and 'pattern 1' is typically Kicho Il Jang—

Cheers exile seems that the form i am doing is Taeguek and i found sone vids here

Thanks thats helped me loads with the pattern now i can study at home too

And to Granfire agreed my cold is the big downside it seems to be going now but my nose is still blocked constantly making breathing hard in exercise maybe another visit to my doctor is needed.

Thank you for the advise and help so far


Firsat your stamia will get back in a few weeks and as far as Tae Guek IL Jang goes it is very simple of a form that needs to be worked over and over again. This is what will bring it together, simply go to the dojaang and work on it with some of the students that have been there.
Little tip for all Taeguek forms. They all start to the left and then repeat on the right. They also all make a I or some form of.

Left Right
Left Right
Left Right

That is Taeguek 1

Teaquek 1 has 18 movements.
Each Left = 2
Each Right = 2
Each Front = 2
Each Back = 1

Hope this helps
Little tip for all Taeguek forms. They all start to the left and then repeat on the right. They also all make a I or some form of.

Left Right
Left Right
Left Right

That is Taeguek 1

Teaquek 1 has 18 movements.
Each Left = 2
Each Right = 2
Each Front = 2
Each Back = 1

Hope this helps

ATC just a little correction here Tae Guek starts to the front with a close hand suto then into a step across punch and then a jumping snap kick. Sorry just thought you should know this maybe you are not doing 8 yet. Anyway have a wonderful day.
ATC just a little correction here Tae Guek starts to the front with a close hand suto then into a step across punch and then a jumping snap kick. Sorry just thought you should know this maybe you are not doing 8 yet. Anyway have a wonderful day.
Thanks, but I am past 8 as I am at Taebaek of the black belt forms. The originator of the post is on Taeguek 1 or ll jang, not Pal or 8.
Originally Posted by ATC
Little tip for all Taeguek forms. They all start to the left and then repeat on the right. They also all make a I or some form of.

ATC I was only going by your above quote!! Thanks for all your info. but I believe I know what is what and I too can read what you said so the correction stand. Just trying to play fair on what you said. Have a wonderful day!!!