Springfield missouri open style training april 22


Senior Master
MT Mentor
I'm hosting Open Style Training at my home on Sunday, April 22nd in Springfield Missouri. All practitioners, of all ranks and styles, students or instructors, are invited to participate. Kenpo, TKD, HKD, BJJ, MMA, RBSD, whatever you do, you are welcome to join us. We already have practitioners from several styles of kenpo and TKD planning to attend. Show up ready to train with at least one thing you want to work on. Techniques, Basics, Drills, Sparring, Stand Up Grappling, Groundfighting, Rolls, Falls, Weapons, whatever you want. If you need gear to train, bring it. We'll work as a group on each suggestion, so we'll get to train our own stuff as well as everybody else's. This is a great opportunity to meet some local martial artists, get exposure to some new training ideas, and get some real quality mat time in. You know what you need to practice. This is your chance.

We're going to be training from 3pm to 5pm. There's no charge and no dress code. This is all about putting egos and hierarchy aside and just doing work. We'll be meeting at a private residence, so if you're interested in joining us PM me and I'll give you the information. This is going to be a great experience for everyone who shows up and takes advantage of the opportunity. Most of us don't get a chance to train with this many experienced and diverse practitioners very often. If you're reading this, you're invited. If you're going to be in the area you should join us. If you know any other practitioners, of any style or rank, that you think would be interested in attending feel free to pass on the information. The more the merrier. My only rule is "no jerks." Don't bring someone who you know is going to ruin the party. Because we're going to have a blast, and all we want are good vibrations.

Seriously. This is going to be awesome. We're going to train hard. So show up ready to get physical. It's bobsled time.

Only two more days until Open Style Training. We're going to have some great Black Belt instructors coming together representing Taekwondo, at least 3 different styles of kenpo, Hapkido, and Okinawan Te. This is going to be a lot of fun. If you're going to be in the Springfield Missouri area and you want to join us, any style, any rank, you're invited. Drop me a line and I'll give you the address. Show up ready to train with at least one thing YOU want to work on. No charge, no requirements, no dress code, no egos. Just good guys doing good karate.

We had a great time today. As usual with things like this, some people who said they'd be there didn't make it, and some people I wasn't expecting to see showed up at the last minute. We ended up with the perfect amount of people. Really got a great blend of techniques today. Static and dynamic training. Did some striking, did some offbalancing and sweeping. Did some locking and takedowns. Did some weapons. Pretty much everything but ground work, and we touched on that for a moment too. Great day of training, great group of guys. All very knowledgeable Black Belts Instructors, all really laid back, respectful and thoughtful cats willing to share what they do and get on the mat together. I feel like I really learned a lot today about the common methods of our many styles, and where our approaches overlap and diverge. Every time I get together with other highly skilled practitioners these days the discussion's been about how much we have in common. Guess that means I'm training with all the right guys.

We warmed up with some Circle Walking and then some light sparring working different guard positions, stances, and footwork. As more people started showing up we started adding some grabs to our sparring, working entries and engaging primarily along the arm. Then we practiced some different locks and takedowns you could execute from that position, and did some sparring with those techniques. Next we worked unbalancing, destabilizing, and sweeping our opponent. Then we worked in to a total standup engagement using strikes and grapples. We spent some time talking about self defense, since we had several guys involved with law enforcement there we spent some time discussing the legalities of violent self defense and self defense instruction. And we finished with some knife defense training, practicing different techniques from different ranges for different attacks.

All together it was a really great day. It was great to see the different approaches and emphases, it was great to get input on how different guys engage with their techniques and to see how and where they apply their material. I felt like everyone who came out to train got a lot out of it, and everyone seemed to have a good time. We ended up going long because everybody wanted to just hang out and chat.

We're going to do it again. Soon. I'd love to make it a regular deal, but we'll just see what we can put together going forward. Different guys have expressed interest in hosting at their places, and a lot of people who wanted to come couldn't make it today. Scheduling is always the issue, in the end we just have to pick a time and then make time. In my dreams we get a great group of instructors from many different styles to come together to train in a spirit of brotherhood and openness and we usher in a new era in the martial arts. Today, we got to do just that. Now we'll see if we can put together a string of two.

I'll post again when we're doing it again. If you can make it next time, you should. All we had were good guys. All we did was good karate. All we are is all we do.

We're doing it again. June 3rd, 3-5pm. Open Style Training. Any rank, any style, whatever you do, you're invited to join us in a spirit of brotherhood and hard work for a great afternoon of karate. If you're anywhere near Springfield Missouri hit me up and I'll give you the details. It's going to be a blast. You should be there.

Our next Open Style Training event on June 3rd is blowing up! We have guys from backgrounds in AK, TKD, RBSD, WC, HKD, and Okinawan Te who are planning to be a part of it. If you're going to be in the Springfield area hit me up, we'd love for you to join us!

Our next Open Style Training event is just about a week and a half away! We've got a good group of guys planning to come and several others who are going to try to make it. If you're going to be in the Springfield area you should come out and join us. It's gonna be a blast! Any style, any rank, no dress code, no charge. Just good guys doing good karate. Hope you can be a part of it!

Check out our Facebook Event page for more information!


It's almost here! Sunday afternoon from 3-5 we're going to be rocking it at my place. I live over by the Federal Medical Prison. (Not in it, don't worry!) I'll post the address and directions on the event page tomorrow. Remember, everyone's invited. Any style, any rank, any practitioner. No charge, no dress code. Just good times. Show up ready to train with something you want to work on and we'll get busy! I'm really excited, we have guys in several different styles coming from all over to train with us so you're guaranteed to walk away with new friends and new techniques! This event is just as awesome as the people who attend, so make sure and be a part of it!

Wow! We had a great time today. Ended up having just the right size group of guys, from several different styles. We worked on stand up striking and kicking and grappling and weapons and groundfighting and we did pad work and shield work and body work and sparring and we practiced control positions and locking techniques and takedowns and sweeps. It was awesome. At one point we had guys practicing some Filipino knife and stick in one group, Taekwondo and kenpo techniques on the body in another group, and ground submission grappling in another group. Everybody got to meet some new guys and learn some new techniques and did some hard training. The weather kept changing on us. One minute we'd have the sun beating down, the next minute we'd be getting rained on. We just kept on doing work.

It was a total win. We had one guy come from four hours away to train with us! Several instructors, several students. Good mix of different styles and skill levels. Everybody had something to offer and everybody was willing and excited to learn. We talked about different ways to teach techniques and apply techniques and train techniques. We talked about how to train safely and how to work with different kinds of students. We talked about how our different styles set up similar techniques. We talked about competition fighting and street self defense. We really covered the whole gamut of material. New drills. New techniques. New basics. Lots of great stuff for everybody.

We're going to do it again. I'm trying to space these events out so that it stays kind of special, but of course everyone's always welcome at my house anytime. We're going to keep it no charge, no dress code, no egos. Any rank, any style. Just good guys, with good attitudes, doing good karate. Everyone's welcome. Men and women, any race, creed, religion, whatever. We're all just karateka. And I'm trying to encourage some other guys to host some of these themselves in the future. Because it's not about me. It's about us. It's about coming together as brothers and sisters and sharing our common passion.

I'll post about it when we do it again. Soon. If you're in the area, you should join us. Cause we're having a hell of a time. And everyone who shows up makes it that much better. Be a part of it.


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