Hey Wushuguy, thanks.
DVD sales are up.
I took out ads in the mags initially, IKF was friendly to me because I had written for them and they knew me. Just remember, when taking mag ads out, never to pay the price they quote, they will bargain.
Mags give just a little profit, not much, but if you have good product then the back door sales (reorders) is where you make your money. I had, and have, fantastic back door sales, or I would have dropped the ads.
The real surge in sales came from internet article writing. I write an article, send it to a directory, and some guy who has a blog or forum wants an article to put in it, but doesnt have the time or maybe the inclination to write it. Bob H. does that some times. Its quite respectable, and the articles are mostly of high quality.
Im still not making much profit because I keep sinking every dollar I make back into the biz. The time will come.
Oh, and the start up costs, except for the ad, were very small, I can give you a list of them if you wish. Of course there is the computer, and a printer which spits out DVDs, and the one big cost, a CD/DVD duplicator, but, still, the costs were manageable, and if you want to augment your income, it is a fantastic way to go. Look, if your martial arts are any quality, if you spend time on both forums and training hall, you might have something that other people want. Think about it.
Im quite serious when I say I will help anybody get started. Anybody wants the how to on writing articles, setting up biz, in any aspect, Ill do what I can. Free. No charge. The reason I do this is because I believe in martial arts, I believe in people, and I dont believe in a depression. Period.
I get buyers from all walks.
I studied kenpo for two years, became an instructor, wrote one of the first instruction manuals in the united states (just my notes, but, hey, take what you can) then I studied under Bob Babich (Kang Duk Won Korean Karate) for some seven years. He is the only fellow I have ever known, or heard about in the US, who could the one finger trick. Hed stick his finger through a board and leave a hole. Apparently it is a popular trick, or was, in the orient, Taiwan, I believe, when all the martial artist fled the revolution. Dont really know, just read about it. I cant do that. I can put out a candle at about two feet, but...not always. And then, I have to be honest, I use Tai Chi. I keep trying to film it, but...Ill make it. Just take some time. Anyway, candles are cheaper than boards, so I picked that route.
After Bob I would travel through arts, look for people who could teach me, and times of study would vary. This was back in the seventies, and quality instructors were not always to be found. Besides, I would hold to the yardstick of Bob, get what I could, then practice on my own. The way I really learned was by matrixing. I start matrixing back in the seventies, right after I left Bob, and I taught my first class about 1984.
Now look, I know this has been a free for fall on this thread, and I apologize. I knew it would happen, I feel like Ive been scratched a bit, gave as good as I got, and thank goodness Bob H. floats around and keeps the law.
And I sincerely hope any hard feelings I might have caused will be shortly forgotten. And, if you think I am kidding when I say I love my fellow man, even so called enemies, I would ask you to consider something. The attitude of Xue and the others is what kept the arts going through the hard times. Die hard, crawl through the jungle to study at the masters house in the dead of night because the authorities might find out and...theirs is the attitude that prevailed and gave us our art.
That said, you knew I would work it around to this, I want you to consider the letter I got this morning. No, I dont write these myself, yes, I will send you three hundred pages of wins if you want, and you will rapidly see that nobody could make up that many viewpoints, that many different things to say about matrixing.
Heres the win:
Hi Al:
I read thru the forum and you are quite right that the major problem that many have in the martial* arts is that they are wedded to very old, orally based forms of information transmission.
This is OK for feudal *and illiterate societies but they miss the point that modern analysis techniques such as matrixing, mind mapping, etc., can help in understanding the arts and identifying core principles--especially if you come from a paradigm that there are common principles that apply to all martial arts.
It seems to me that your matrixing *approach gives a tool to analyze an art without having to learn all the forms by rote but once done will help you understand how these forms were intended to work and even work in ways that the founders did not envisage.... in a sense you are making the art your own. Am I on the right track?
I intend to use your matrixing approach and mind mapping to analyze and structure the Japanese Weapons arts I am now studying
Keep up the good work and thanks for the inspiration!!!
Many thanks for all the DVDs ..... I'm working thru the Matrixing Karate DVD and it has inspired me to take up the hard arts again.
I am thinking of applying your teaching to the ITF Chang Hon taekwondo forms as that is what I know best from my university days. Any thoughts on*
how to proceed?
Keep on training.
Now, thats the win, and I know that all of what I have said in the last few days doesnt present me in the best lights. Honestly, I felt like a guy on the bottom of a dogpile, and was just doing the best I could, didnt really know how to get the scuffle worked over to discussion.
But this guy has ordered a few courses, wrote a note of encouragement, and, as often happens, I get things out of the blue, people come to my rescue, deep down, people know that Matrixing is not designed to harm any art, but designed to fill in some gaps, make some sense, and elevate your art, any art, so that you can get full benefit.
I have not invented a new art(s), all I have done is come up with a type of microscope whereby you can lay out your art, very logically, and see where the missing pieces are.
And, please, dont take offense at the reference to feudal or illiterate, there was no way that was designed to hurt, and he was only making the point that things can always get better.
Can your car be improved?
Can you get a nicer house?
Can you become a better and smarter person?
Yes. The martial arts prove it. Especially that last.
And the martial arts can become better, too.
Thank you for offering some redirection to this thread. If there is anything I can do for you, let me know.