I have sort of a weird question, wasn't sure where to stick it, so I thought I'd ask here...
Around here it is common to see devices that local LEOs put out, and move to different streets, which are basically a box, with a Speed Limit sign on the front, and a big digital readout that shows you how fast you are going. If it detects you speeding, it flashes your speed and a strobe to get your attention. They aren't ticketing devices, just safety devices.
Recently the city began testing Speed Cameras for issuing citations.
Here's my question:
I was coming home from work in the wee hours of the morning, was the only car on the road and stopped at a red light. Directly across the intersection from me was one of the Safety Warning devices, and despite the fact I was sitting at a dead stop at a red light, it was displaying me at a speed that was fluctuating from 7-9 mph. As I said, there were no other cars at the time, just me, so I know it couldn't have been reading another vehicle. This being the case, should the idea of a Speed Enforcement cameras be a concern? I'm concerned that if a car going 0 can be recorded at 9, whats to say a car going 30 cant be clocked at 39? Or is this just a fluke and not something to even be worried about? I've never really noticed any serious inaccuracy from these devices before, unless I was on my Motorcycle, and I always attributed that to the small profile of the bike compared to a car... But now I'm wondering how reliable these devices actually are.
Around here it is common to see devices that local LEOs put out, and move to different streets, which are basically a box, with a Speed Limit sign on the front, and a big digital readout that shows you how fast you are going. If it detects you speeding, it flashes your speed and a strobe to get your attention. They aren't ticketing devices, just safety devices.
Recently the city began testing Speed Cameras for issuing citations.
Here's my question:
I was coming home from work in the wee hours of the morning, was the only car on the road and stopped at a red light. Directly across the intersection from me was one of the Safety Warning devices, and despite the fact I was sitting at a dead stop at a red light, it was displaying me at a speed that was fluctuating from 7-9 mph. As I said, there were no other cars at the time, just me, so I know it couldn't have been reading another vehicle. This being the case, should the idea of a Speed Enforcement cameras be a concern? I'm concerned that if a car going 0 can be recorded at 9, whats to say a car going 30 cant be clocked at 39? Or is this just a fluke and not something to even be worried about? I've never really noticed any serious inaccuracy from these devices before, unless I was on my Motorcycle, and I always attributed that to the small profile of the bike compared to a car... But now I'm wondering how reliable these devices actually are.