spear-hand break

I am interested in training to do the spear hand break. Any input toward this end will be appreciated.

I have found this resource:
which notes that one should practice striking the pail of sand, as well as doing many fingertip pushups.

Many thanks to user 'searcher' who has already given me this tip:

Loose your interest and move on to something else!
But many only learn through pain!
Loose your interest and move on to something else!
But many only learn through pain!

Thank you for your reply Sir.

Consider this done.

I have too much work to do on the standard techniques and physical conditioning to be side tracked anyway. I will work toward the full splits instead, and developing my kicking.
Some strikes are designed for soft targets, some for hard. Some are what they are because the shape of the attack is designed to meet a particular target. Other than demonstration purposes, I'm not sure what would be the purpose of using a attack designed to be pinpoint against soft, focused targets (between ribs, trachea, etc...) to hit a hard target.

But I'm particular because as a software developer and musician, I'm sensitive to damage to my wrists, hands, and fingers. "Conditioning" is just that... small damage that your body repairs itself stronger, but at a price....

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