

Green Belt
Nov 12, 2006
Reaction score
I was wondering how most Tracy Kenpo schools spar. How does your school spar and why do you think it's good and or bad.
Generally we start a beginner with a light continuous sparring, moving around, trying to land combos.

In the intermediate levels we ramp up contact, but we pretty much go with the "hit as hard as you want to be hit" so some of the students are going pretty light still, others are darn near full-contact. This is also where we start adding the close range work, fighting in the clinch, takedowns. We don't work the ground very much, usually just ground n pound or getting back up ASAP.

Our advanced guys run heavy to full contact, but full contact isn't very often, most of us have day jobs. :D

Thats how we do it, I don't know how other Tracy schools do it, I suspect it varies on the instructor.

We do a bit of point fighting right before a tournament, but that isn't a focus.

i use to train from P,S Winberly how is a tracy black belt. at the time i didnt know his system was the tracy system, he modified some of the theories and techniques. we has what was called sparring A and B A is co-op back and forth taking turns attacking and defending. B was controlled co-op kumite which was taking turns attacking and defending but all techniques are allowed. then there was kumite free for all.

i have since left that school. i trained there for about 5 years.

I know at alot of Tracy Kenpo schools that the teachers are also certified in Shootfighting. (mix of muay thai/shoot wrestling) Anyone ever spar with Shootfighting rules?
I know at alot of Tracy Kenpo schools that the teachers are also certified in Shootfighting. (mix of muay thai/shoot wrestling) Anyone ever spar with Shootfighting rules?

Yep. Good stuff. Adds another element. Realistically, your opponent will not be limited by standing or grappling, so the ability to convert from one to the other seamlessly in real time is crucial. Yeah, I know, still not real combat, but certainly an entirely different level of training.
I think its allright, depends what you mean by sparring though? What happens with the sparring in my place is the instructor has us do it on Saturday's occasionally. Thats like hitting combinations etc. between two people... but that doesnt involve techniques.
But thats not part of the regular curriculum. However he has the higher belts prove their techniques in front of the class by letting someone hit them in a "mock situation" usually a lower belt but not always.
The tests for belts are exhausting, and I would say partial full contact.
I actually find it interesting that during the sparring, I'm able to rise up to amd fend off higher belts than me.
But my place is not a school and money really isint involved either. Its in a gym and you gotta do what the Sensei ( For lack of a better word) says cause its his way or the highway.