Senior Master
In the other thread, I mentioned that one regular opponent of mine tends to just stand and absorb blows. I really don't mean to get down on him too much. He's more advanced than me, but not by much and he's not as obssessive as me. I think basically as we are both beginners, we're not very good at evading, moving, etc.. so just standing there and taking it is probably are only hope I also know I'm a bit faster than him and he might not really have much of a choice...
but as a general strategy question, is there anything you can do to score (Olympic rules, and no shots to the legs) against an opponent who just stands with the arms in protecting the hogu? I mentioned hitting harder and if he leaves his arms in, maybe it will be uncomfortable for him and wear him down. I was wondering if there were other tactics I could use to open him up?
but as a general strategy question, is there anything you can do to score (Olympic rules, and no shots to the legs) against an opponent who just stands with the arms in protecting the hogu? I mentioned hitting harder and if he leaves his arms in, maybe it will be uncomfortable for him and wear him down. I was wondering if there were other tactics I could use to open him up?