Sparring 'outside the style'- how do styles handle it?


Blue Belt
So, I'm wondering how different styles approach sparring against other styles.

Kung fu, for instance, in all its various substyles. Aside from sparring in tournaments, how does your school handle sparring with other styles (kung fu or not)? Seminars? Consortiums between other schools?

I'm just curious... in my mind, it's hard for me to gauge the interest I'd have in a particular style unless I could get an idea of how it's used outside of the traditional (ie, in-school) fora.

Am I even making sense here? ;)
A complex question indeed.

My answer:

It all depends on what the sparring circumstances are. If, for example, we host a sport karate clinic where all styles and practitioners are welcome, then those that come to the clinic are expected to spar under "standard" sport karate rules (AAU / USANKF-ish).

If we're attending someone else's clinic, then we follow their rules. If their rules state that sparring is to be done with minimal hard contact, then so be it. If we were to attend a clinic where hard contact is the norm, then we'll do just that.

The bottom line:

We'll study the situation before deciding to attend a particular clinic / seminar. We generally aren't going to attend ones that are significantly opposed to what we teach.

This does not, however, mean that we won't attend grappling arts seminars; far from it, in fact, since several of us do enjoy attending various Jiu-Jitsu seminars.
Great question:

Here is my personal approach

1. What do I know about there style.
TKD and TSD use alot of kicks.

2. most people even black belts abandon there system as soon as they step into the ring and the try to shoot kicks and back knuckles.

to win in sparring you have to know what you are up against. (don't bring a knife to a gun fight).

Don't abandon your art. stick with it make it work and if it doesn't find out why and try again.

just my two cent I will try hard not to step on that soap box.:soapbox:


As Bruce Lee my teacher from 1968-70 said -I dont beleave in style.You can not put or kick a nationaly-we all puch & kick the same -round line-curve line-straight line.Now there is boxing that use hands-judo-throse-Im not knocking them but the founder start with hypoth-thenrule & law then became a school were all do the same & no regards to size-weight-power.Unless we grow 2 more arms or legs we are are the same.It was to be united but style tend to separate man & not let him exspress him self.
monkey said:
As Bruce Lee my teacher from 1968-70 said -I dont beleave in style.You can not put or kick a nationaly-we all puch & kick the same -round line-curve line-straight line.Now there is boxing that use hands-judo-throse-Im not knocking them but the founder start with hypoth-thenrule & law then became a school were all do the same & no regards to size-weight-power.Unless we grow 2 more arms or legs we are are the same.It was to be united but style tend to separate man & not let him exspress him self.
good point
even if you're to stick with YOUR style you shouldnt expect your opponent to have YOUR style!
for sport versions in some arts sparring is probably within the same style, but for more 'authentic' arts or SD-based arts you are expecting anything. or at least should be expecting anything.

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