Sparring Contac

My teacher trained me and his son together, and we always fought full contact, with nothing but open finger gloves like in the UFC. Anytime we got hurt, my teacher fixed it for us, since he is certified in accupressure and accupuncture therapy. He also knows how to reset bones. He always told me that his teacher knew the same things and never had a problem with student's injuries. At the Seoul Central YMCA in Chung No, under Grandmaster Oh, Sae Joon, full contact, knock out fighting was a way of life.
Whenever we spar (in class or at a test), it's non-contact (in name only, I can assure you), since the aim isn't to hurt the opponent but to show your technique, and the control thereof. I can see where this would lead some to believe people from my school can't really hit, but I wouldn't want to be in a full-contact fight with _any_ of my instructors or seniors. They put their techniques precisely where they mean them to be.