Sometimes it takes more than one shot.

Originally posted by Black Bear
Arnisador, I was probably more responding to the thread title which you must admit is silly.

Yes, I was being somewhat faceititious with it!

I agree with Mr. Parsons--I think people actually say "center mass" when speaking carefully, and that by that they mean the large central region of the body that is the upper torso.
Well hey you learn something new every day. And it makes sense. I mean, how could so many apparently intelligent people have been so wrong about where a person's centre-of-mass is located?

Anyway, to me guns are kind of a weird, foreign thing. People don't wear guns around. I'm sure if I was American and saw them all the time, they would amuse and delight me, I'd learn all about them, get a CCW license, and buy a Springfield Armoury XD and wear it on my hip every day, and shoot it every weekend. But guess what--I'm Canadian and I like our gunless way of life (that sounds crazy to you Americans) and I just learn a bit about them because I have to to be involved in this self-defense business.

I like guns, but I like absence of guns even more!
Originally posted by Rich Parsons

I have to disagree. It is somewhere inside you body.

Also given that I have huge legs, my Center of Mass or CoM as you put it would be lower then others. This is from a mathematical and or physical stand point.

If you are refereing to the tactics used for shooting a firearm and where to shoot to gain the most effective response to your hit, then you want to target the largest area for the bang for the buck. This would be the navel to the top of the thoat. Seig, took it too the chin, I guess he is a much better shot them I am. Any throat shot would be a good hit in my opinion.

Besides the higher you hit the more likely you are to hit a vital organ and this will slow the person down much more than having to depend upon them to relize that they have a bullet in their groin area or hip.

Just my opinion.
Rich, you are absolutely correct. As far as my shooting ability, according to the Commonwealth of Virginia, I miss once every year during my annual qualifications. That makes me fair.

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