some what odd thought


Senior Master
Jun 16, 2005
Reaction score
First of all, after reading all the threads on this forum I would like to say that if you don't belief in chi/qi/ki/pnuema/blah/blah/blah, respectfuly GO AWAY!!! I don't want any trolls turning this into an arugment!!! Next lets keep any scientific talk to about a high school level. Sorry to all you neurodoctors/mechanics/or god only knows what, but I would like to understand the conversation.
Now that I have that out of the way, my question is were can I go to find some info on chi/qi/ki (websites/books/magazines), and a reason why you would recommend it. Again keep it freindly and understandable.

CuongNhuka said:
First of all, after reading all the threads on this forum I would like to say that if you don't belief in chi/qi/ki/pnuema/blah/blah/blah, respectfuly GO AWAY!!! I don't want any trolls turning this into an arugment!!! Next lets keep any scientific talk to about a high school level. Sorry to all you neurodoctors/mechanics/or god only knows what, but I would like to understand the conversation.

Me too!
I should add that I do belief in chi/qi/ki. I have become fasinated by the subject, but now very little. I am looking for a site, or what ever, that can expand my knowledge.
CuongNhuka said:
First of all, after reading all the threads on this forum I would like to say that if you don't belief in chi/qi/ki/pnuema/blah/blah/blah, respectfuly GO AWAY!!! I don't want any trolls turning this into an arugment!!! Next lets keep any scientific talk to about a high school level. Sorry to all you neurodoctors/mechanics/or god only knows what, but I would like to understand the conversation.
Now that I have that out of the way, my question is were can I go to find some info on chi/qi/ki (websites/books/magazines), and a reason why you would recommend it. Again keep it freindly and understandable.


Respectfully John, friendly and understandable is a two way street and so, with that in mind I hope everybody here will remain on topic and answer John's request and take the first part of his post as well intentioned and not a flame at anyone.

I wish you luck on your search, sir.

Lisa Deneka
MT Senior Moderator
I tend to agree....the higher-level science stuff gives me a headache. :)
I'll be doing some digging into reference stuff as we go along.
yet there is a great deal of scientific research methodology being employed to more fully understand qi, by experts in the field.

and OMD training in this country is intertwined with allopathic medicine.

chinese medical theory is pretty complex too. it may have been experientially developed, but it is systemized.

so if you arent a trained OMD, well versed in TCM, and you dont use a western scientific approach, what context do you use?
"The Force is an energy field created by all living things; it surrounds us, penetrates us, it binds the galaxy together".... Obi-wan Kenobi

How's that for a high-school explaination of Chi? :uhyeah:
Scientists pretty much take the `piss` out of chi/ki/qi, just because they cant find the ki `waves` on some kind of high tech thingy.

Btw, cuong, you should try ninjutsu if you want to learn about ki and how to keep the mind fit.

And yes, I do believe in Ki.
mmm... kay. o.k. I'm likeing that I'm getting replies, but I'm looking for a place that can help me understand ki (Cuong Nhu is heavily Japanese). And not so much, do you believe in it. Perhaps an example is needed? o.k. Well I've been to the Ki No-Kenkyu Kai Aikido homepage, and they give some very well detailed descrepitions of what ki is, how it travels, how it affects the body and so on.
I added the thing about science incase this ended up with a bunch of neurosurgeons in a discusion on wave theory, or quantum mechanics. And Caver, the thing on the force was a little out there, and offensive. Mostly since I get the same thing from this dude named Dennis in my chem class. I think that dude has the I.Q. of a retarded gerbil. My aplogies to all the retarded gerbils out there.

Something I played with, might have got it here, might have got it elsewhere. Don't remember right now.

Sit quietly, but with good posture. Relax. Breath deeply with your belly, imagining water filling a well. Now, release your breath as if slowly pouring water from a pitcher. Guide it out of your mouth, down your body, down your legs, up your back, over your head, and back to your mouth. You may feel warmth in your legs, or neck, or fingers. That, supposedly, is chi.
I've done it, I've felt it, I can't explain it more.
Edmund BlackAdder said:
Something I played with, might have got it here, might have got it elsewhere. Don't remember right now.

Sit quietly, but with good posture. Relax. Breath deeply with your belly, imagining water filling a well. Now, release your breath as if slowly pouring water from a pitcher. Guide it out of your mouth, down your body, down your legs, up your back, over your head, and back to your mouth. You may feel warmth in your legs, or neck, or fingers. That, supposedly, is chi.
I've done it, I've felt it, I can't explain it more.

This is what I'm getting at. I would like a website/book/magazine or what ever with this sort of stuff.
1. Chi does not exist
2. i'm kidding
he's 40+ years of tai chi/chi Gung experience. He's been researching mind signaling and Chi since he was studying at UCLA until now that he's a professor at UC, Irvine. I think he's scientific enough. Drill down his site and find papers to read. g'luck
BEATIFUL!!!! This is exactly what I want!!!!!!
YAY!!! More from my new very close buddy Mantis.
MA-Caver said:
"The Force is an energy field created by all living things; it surrounds us, penetrates us, it binds the galaxy together".... Obi-wan Kenobi

How's that for a high-school explaination of Chi? :uhyeah:

I love this kind of talk!! LOL
Any book by Mantak Chia or Yang Jwing Ming on the subject of Qi Gong, there are others as well.

And it is a much more complicated subject than most believe. And higher levels of practice with out a competent teacher can be dangerous. There are associated medical syndromes, but staying within the guidelines of your post, I will not get into the medical stuff.