Some States seem to have had enough..

Sorry for the misunderstanding. What I meant is that California contributes more money to the federal government than it receives in federal benefits or other spending. Ironically enough, many of the heavily conservative states in the South and Midwest receive more federal money than they contribute.

Ah, I see what you are saying now. :D
The topic of secession again after 144 years. This should open up a can of worms that has been avoided since then on a federal level.

Well, the military will have lots of bodies to throw at the problem. Record enrollments, all branches.
I've talked with a few of my Marine friends and they have said emphatically that they will not take up arms against US citizens. They also said that they brought this topic up before and there was a LOT of mutual feelings.

We'll have to just wait and see I guess.
So conservative states are smarter?

No, poorer. Not like it stops them though from complaining about funding government programs and the like. Pretty amusing considering they are net beneficiaries. Actual data never changed anyone's convictions before though, I don't see why it should start now. Our political system would collapse!
I thought Texas already had it hammered out, and something about having a legal loophole that allows them to leave the Union? Maybe I misread it, or maybe it was complete BS though, who knows.

It I remember correctly the constitution that Texas adopted when we joined the U.S. had a provision that allowed us to secede. That is just what we did during the war of northern aggression. After reconstruction we adopted the current constitution that does not allow secession. Some have made the argument that Texas is a sovering nation being occupied by the U.S. since we had the right to secede.

I wonder if the citizens of various other states feel as much pride as Texans. Being a native (real) Texan fills me with a deep since of pride. I served my country with pride during a time of war. I am a patriotic guy. I like the U.S. but I love Texas. If Texas decided to secede I would definitely give the U.S. the finger. I am dead serious. Long live the Republic of Texas.
After the failed second war of Independence, the conquered states were forced to rewrite their constitutions to forbid their leaving again (not that Lincoln recognized them as having left, but being rebellious in his illegal war to collect tariffs).

California also has it written that it is permanently a subject state of the United States.

I'm not familiar enough with the rest to comment. I believe New Hampshire and Vermont also retain their separation clauses.
I could have said "the Great Rebellion" or "War of the Rebellion" (Both as per the Official US History), "War of Northern Aggression", "War for Southern Independence", "Second American Revolution", or "Mr. Lincolns Illegal Action". All are accurate.

What we have today is the results of that previous failed attempt at States being in control of the Federal government resulting in a huge Federal Mess, and the States again deciding to step up and take control since those in Washington continue to well, **** it up.

I still stick to my earlier prediction. Much ado about what will amount to nothing.
Second War of Independence? Wow, that's some top quality flame bait right there!
I'm not seeing how it's flame bait. The statement is true. It wasn't a "civil war" in that no one was attempting to overthrow the US government. It was a war for the independence of a group of the states. Here's how I see that particular war...

You're in a relationship with someone. You want out. You tell that person you're leaving and they beat the **** out of you to make you stay in the relationship. Perhaps a bit of an over simplification but pretty much how I see it.
I'm not seeing how it's flame bait. The statement is true. It wasn't a "civil war" in that no one was attempting to overthrow the US government. It was a war for the independence of a group of the states. Here's how I see that particular war...

You're in a relationship with someone. You want out. You tell that person you're leaving and they beat the **** out of you to make you stay in the relationship. Perhaps a bit of an over simplification but pretty much how I see it.
Pretty much it. The last time a group of states tried to secede (legally, and non-violently I might add), the sitting US President rather than listen to his advisers, forced a confrontation and launched a 4 year war that left the nation a mess, and cost him his life.

I don't see any state going as far as to try again today. What I do see happening is some state will pass a resolution trying to reclaim some level of sovereignty. The Fed will then withhold monies for highway improvements, etc much like they did years back to force a national 55mph speed limit. Most of the press will continue to ignore it, being instead more interested in continuing to gush over how great it is with such a magnificent new black leader (emphasis theirs btw). I will of course continue to be sick and think that the whole lot of em are a bunch of thickies.