Some Instructor Advice


MTS Alumni
Hi, I know almost nothing about Kenpo and Kenpo politics and instructors so you all will forgive me if this is a "Well Duh" question.

One of my co-workers is looking to start Training, and he found an EPAK school not far from him. The Instructor is Tom Saviano, and he was asking me if I knew anyone with information on him.

It would appear from a cursory look that Mr Saviano is legit, but I was wondering if anyone had info on him before my co-worker went and checked the school out. Thanks.
Technopunk said:
Hi, I know almost nothing about Kenpo and Kenpo politics and instructors so you all will forgive me if this is a "Well Duh" question.

One of my co-workers is looking to start Training, and he found an EPAK school not far from him. The Instructor is Tom Saviano, and he was asking me if I knew anyone with information on him.

It would appear from a cursory look that Mr Saviano is legit, but I was wondering if anyone had info on him before my co-worker went and checked the school out. Thanks.

You can check out for information on him and his school.
Stong lineage, which means a lot to me. I have seen Zoran's posts many times and like KenpoThoughts insights, even if he is a semi-competitor to MartialTalk. I think I would take a chance on training at a school producing such impressive students. They are at least worth checking out to see if you fit in.

evenflow1121 said:
Wasn't Mr. Keith "The Giant Killer" Hackney a practitioner of this system?

Yes, he fought that huge sumo guy in UFC 3

I definately agree, given the fighters he has produced, he is definately worth looking into, at least checking the place out.
evenflow1121 said:
Wasn't Mr. Keith "The Giant Killer" Hackney a practitioner of this system?

Yes he was he was under Him ehen he went into the octagon. Acording to Zoran.


Rick English