Senior Master
Last night I did my first solo training kenpo for a while. I got my technique lists and did all the techniques from green belt-1st brown (4 belts 76 techniques) and it was great to do it again and while it wasnt as physically tiring as say a heavy bag workout it was a lot more relaxing and it felt great to flow through the movements again at my own pace. That's one of the things I love about kenpo is the beauty of it, yes of course the moves are effective but its also a beautiful style to do in my opinion. Also one note I do have is that in Krav Maga which I've done a few weeks of now its very very similar to kenpo. There's no forms but the techniques are extremely similar and sometimes find myself automatically going into a different technique that I know simply on instinct which makes me happy because it shows that if I ever did need to use it I can use those moves instinctively.