Passed my black belt today

Today I got my black belt in kenpo. It was in front of a panel of 10 judges and the test lasted for 3 and a half hours. We did basics at a very fast pace , pad work, every single form and all the techniques unfortunately we couldn't do sparring as we ran over time and the hall we used was booked out for after but it was a good test and feeling sore today thank god it's Sunday tomorrow
Congratulations KenpoBoxer
Good news! I always told my students, "Welcome to the 2% club." On average, you watch 98 people come and go till you get that belt.
Three and a hal- WHAT? I wanted to die just taking a three-hour literature exam.
Yeah, none of my test segments lasted more than about 90 minutes (the span of a full class), except maybe the self-defense test (I've never noticed how long that takes - about 150 attacks). Though if you tallied all the oral and physical testing for BB, it's probably something close to 40 hours.