Software Upgrade Complete - New Forum Features

Bob Hubbard

MT Mentor
Founding Member
Lifetime Supporting Member
MTS Alumni
If you have any problems, please email me and I'll look into them. I still have alot of cosmetic bits to fix, but thats not the major part.


Update information follows:
Bug Fixes

fixed problem with blank forums in showmods.php
fixed problem with user title in announcements
fixed problem with invalid URL in online.php
fixed problem with invalid call to round() in showthread.php under some versions of PHP
fixed problem with online/offline display
fixed problem with touserinfo - touserinfoinfo typo in private2.php
fixed problem with <img alt> tags in showgroups.php
fixed database error in showgroups.php
fixed background color error in register.php
fixed typo in mod/thread.php
fixed missing sessionhash variable in showthread template
fixed non-resolving address problem in online.php
fixed typo in admin/style.php
fixed problem with usergroup names in showgroups.php
fixed problem with quoting a quoted post...
fixed problem(s) with activation codes not being delivered properly
fixed problem with daysprune defaulting to zero in private.php
fixed problem with <script> tags breaking
fixed problem with forumjump in usercp with Netscape 6.1 
fixed problem with global styles going haywire... 

online.php - Added a couple instances (adding forum subscription, deleteing subscribed threads, deleting subscribed forum). Fixed issue with users with canviewothers set to false being able to see thread titles. 

admin/user.php - Fixed bug with [edit user] link on PM Stats in admin control panel 

fixed bug when admin clicks 'user options' on the user profile page to view a user's details 

can't add your self to the ignore/buddy list, can't add an admin/mod to ignore via their profile link 

can't move a thread to it's current forum 

various security issues 

fixed problem with " in one of the options in upgrade from 1.1.6 

fixed problem with 'require unique email' giving errors at the wrong time 

fixed problem with attachments being deleted when a cloned thread is deleted 

fixed bug with .info email addresses not being auto-parsed 

fixed bug with updating last post time for a forum 

fixed bug where signatures and avatars were displayed in private messages regardless of user preference 

numerous template typos etc fixed (see this thread for specifics) 


encrypts passwords in database 
new more secure method for lost password routines 
more secure routine for verifying email address 
usercp and search results now show the forumjump menu 
ability to sort users by email address in control panel 
userid displayed in admin cp -> edit user 
ability to click on a letter in the member list 
'search' link not displayed in memberlist if user has no posts 
server load and number of online users appear in the admin CP 
if only one user is found in admin cp search, then show the edit page for that user straight away 
Ability to enable highlighting of Admin/Moderator names on the Logged in Users and Who's Online. 
Multiple Choice Polls (thanks to Firefly) 
Option to update all user's posts counts to the correct total via the CP counters. Does not count forums which are set to not count posts. 
Showgroups Page, groups can be configured to appear per usergroup [ showgroups.php ] 
SQL Optimization on showthread, the option to disable/enable displaying the user's online status is no longer needed as there is no penalty for doing so 
See who is browsing specific forums with you! Can be disabled in the CP. Only adds 1 query to forumdisplay.php 
Mutt's Javascript for find, preview, copy in template editing 
new usergroup permission: can download attachment 
mark read per forum 
getnew/getdaily per forum 
In-reply rating 
Who voted 
Highlighting / formatting of admin/mod/super names on Who's Online ($loggedinusers and separate page) 
Added Who's Online to forumjump\ 
Optimized the mass move/mass prune threads Admin functions 
new gobutton template for easy global customization of [Go] buttons on popup menus 
home page of moderator control panel now has similar layout and features to admin panel 
Thread rating now displayed on the showthread page as well as forumdisplay. 
Forum-search on forumdisplay
Some other minor tweaks:

New welcome bar on main page.

Minor formatting changes through out site to improve text clarity.

Added in support for IM (ICQ, YAHOO and AIM)
(see members list, members info and posts.)

Any problems, suggestions or such, lemme know.
Originally posted by Kaith Rustaz

Minor formatting changes through out site to improve text clarity.

It's almost too much information! Great work in completing this upgrade in about the scheduled time. Thanks again for providing this board!
Is something running to censor profanity? i don't have a problem with that, but it is causing some trouble. Words like c-l-a-s-s-i-c and a-s-s-i-g-n are being censored and it looks more than a bit silly.

Should be fixed.... I'm trying to flesh out the profanity filters database...missed a bracket. :)
New Feature : Modified User Titles. If you are using the DEFAULT user titles, you should see something a bit more colorful now. :) Sorry, due to security issues, I can't do the same for Customized Titles.
The upgrades look great. I like the new features. Thanks again for a great forum.
I like all the new bells and whistles. Now if there was just something shiny you would have the entire gambit.