So how is this "Change" workin out for ya?

Archangel M

Senior Master
I try my best to post up my own work when I start a new thread, but I found this entry on one of my favorite blogs that I just had to share:

IÂ’ve posted about this before, but I am having trouble coming up with stuff to post. I try to stay on the humorous side of things, but a big part of that is making over the top comparisons. It just seems that things have gotten so over the top, itÂ’s hard to use hyperbole.

See, two years ago, saying that the President of the United States was going force government ownership of General Motors, and fire their CEO would have been viewed as an impossible exaggeration. Now, well, not so much.

Two years ago, saying that Congress was going to draft legislation creating government run health insurance, and tax businesses and individuals that didnÂ’t participate would have seemed like partisan mud-slinging. Or to assert that the government is looking to regulate the carbon dioxide output of individuals would have seemed ridiculous. Now, nothing is ridiculous.

If I tell you to get ready for the camps, how can possibly see that as an exaggeration? Clearly, thatÂ’s the only place there is left to go, if youÂ’ll pardon the pun. How can you now rule out the possibility that speech on radio, tv, and the internet will be regulated and censored?

So, how is Hopey Changiness™ working out for you? Discuss amongst yourselves.

So...while the Reps. were in office the slam against them was "gee for the 'smaller gvt', fewer taxes and less spending party, you guys have spent all this money..etc."

Has the Dem. party done anything to change their image of being socialist, tax hungry, bigger gvt, more gvt intrusion into your life party?

The upcoming "Cap and Trade" legislation has been getting almost NO media about an important issue. Why is that?
"I won."

Translation: I'm the president, I'm the presideeeeent, suck my ****, I'm the president!
This post will probably rate at least a
on the dead horse scale.....

Look...the Central Government is one entity.

Partisan politics is an illusion to keep the people busy picking sides other than there own.

They are only out for themselves. You are but a nuisance. If they had it there way and could do so without much blood shed, they'd transition this country into just another Oligarchy.

If all the Average Joe's bound together and put up a united front against the Government Elite they'd have no choice but to behave.

If we wanted to go back to being ruled by the constitution, the original law, they'd have to concede because there's a lot more of us than there is them.

As long as we fight with each other, they have nothing to fear.

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