"Smoking" question...


Black Belt
Jul 27, 2006
Reaction score
Ponca City, Oklahoma
First of all I wanna say that I am trying hard to quit and I am positive I am gonna make it (I already quit in the past and stayed off for 2 years).

I was wondering if smoking may prevent or delay a Tai Chi/Qi Gong pratitioner from feeling and thus using Chi.
i dont think so. My teacher smokes and u can feel the chi reverberating off of him. Not good practise tho.
I will pray that you are sucessful
The thought of a Tai Chi master smoking makes me want to gasp. I am very alergic to smoke, so much so that I never let the waiters light candles on our table in a restaurant. I can't even stand near a smoker...the smoke eminates from their clothing.

Keep at it!!!!

Or come to Scotland. We have a complete ban on smoking in all enclosed public places. What a difference it has made.

Very best wishes
Not that I know of, but it sure can affect your breathing, so I suppose it is possible.

I wish you the best in quitting.

as do i.

and smoking can hinder your endurance in other activities, more than tai chi, but i was running laps with my brother and half way through he had to quit, he smokes i dont, could be a big part of it, so good luck!