Smoking Dope Makes You Crazy

I have drug addicts in my family, and no i am not kidding.

I do too. I occasionally partake of the same drug that made his life a trainwreck (alcohol). What that experience has clearly taught me, combined with my scientific studies that back it up, is that there is a world of difference between the addict and the casual user. They are not even the same type of people. I fully expect to drink thousands more beers in my lifetime, and even if I get hammered a few times, that one Newcastle won't hit the magic jackpot to make me an addict. It just won't happen.

The same is true of other drugs as well, although of course the danger is that you don't know what type of person you are until you've tried it. That's part of the reason that the "Just Say No!" campaign never had much of an impact on kids - they could see plenty of casual user adults around them that never ended up as shattered wrecks giving handjobs for fivers under the overpass.

I've tried pot a few times too, although nothing worse than that. It wasn't all that amazing of an experience, and I won't do it again because I don't really like how it made me feel. No gateways here. Most people are the same.
i aint talking about casual use, i am talking about daily pot use, it will over time, dull your brain, nothing earth shattering, but it is what it is
First for the record, I don't smoke anything, I'm crazy enough already, but I did find this here


So newer information can't contradict older studies? Hmmm. Sounds scientific. Reject the studies you don't like and choose the ones you do.