SLT videos

without the total relaxation it is impossible to produce Nim Lik, you can tell from someones form if they have it or not....

and on a side note i never practice in front of a mirror,

That is true , but you have to have structure first.
One has to make sure the movements are correct and learn to relax "within the structure".

Occasionally you should practice in front of the mirror , over time things have a tendency to go out of whack so to speak , wrists will deviate from centre , elbows will flare out etc.

I will echo what Yak Sao said about defining the techniques , pulling your arms back as far as your injury will allow because it is an important stretch for your chest and shoulders.

Also make sure you explore the full range of movement in your Huen Sau , keep the hand flat and rotate your wrist right around , it should almost hurt.
Not only is it important for wrist flexibility and strength it is also crucial for making the Huen Sau work properly against an opponent.

Remember structure and "correctness" of technique first , then relaxation , and finally application of mind force.
here you go, small confined space so no opening arms preformed, comments welcom, cheers

Hey Lightningstrike,

Sorry to hear about your bevvy of injuries, hope things heal up quickly and completely. AS for your form, I'd echo the above sentiments of focusing on structure first. In WC, our structure defines our energy as opposed to an art like Tai Chi where energy defines the structure.

If injuries allow, spend some time on the sandbag in yee gee kim yeung ma, it'll help.
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Thank you for the heads up, you are right they do need more work, much appreciated, you all mention about my structure, please explain what it is im doing wrong,
would be good to see one of you guys who havnt post a SNT vid yet to post one, Yak Sao, Mook jong man, it would be apreciated, cheers

ps Eric, H, funny you should mention Tai Chi, Chu Shong Tin Practiced Tai Chi before he took up Wing Chun....,
what are the similar actions you refer too,?
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I have no idea how to post a video of computer knowledge stopped somewhere around 1999.
But here is someone doing everything as it should be done.
It is the old 8 mm of Yip Man. This one I ran across seems to be cleaned up quite a bit. Not as grainy, and the motions don't look to be in that old home movie fast forward mode.
As for structure, we don't just mean the spinal alignment, we are talking about the shapes of the arms, the positioning of the hands. Keeping the optimal angle (135 degrees) as you move into and through these positions.

I like how Chinaboxer put it on another thread:

IMO the "physics" must be correct first before you can focus on the "physiology". in other words, if the alignment of your skeletal system is incorrect, your muscles have to engage to make up the difference when pressure is applied on that structure. if that happens, you cannot relax the muscle even if you wanted to.
As for structure, we don't just mean the spinal alignment, we are talking about the shapes of the arms, the positioning of the hands. Keeping the optimal angle (135 degrees) as you move into and through these positions.

I like how Chinaboxer put it on another thread:

as Chu Shong Tin says, There are no fixed positions, my SNT is internaly operated,
as Chu Shong Tin says, There are no fixed positions, my SNT is internaly operated,

I agree to a point. There is no tan sau, bong sau, etc. They are only snapshots in time. That said, without proper structure within those movements, your arm will collapse.
If there are no fixed positions in WC then there would be no SNT or any of the other forms. We would all just stand around and contemplate our navel.
The forms are the vehicle to proper understanding of WC. And like a vehicle, it has to have substance or your *** is going to hit the pavement.
When I am talking about structure I mainly mean the angle of the arms , but also the correctness of the movement.
Focus on that stuff first , then aim for relaxation.

Anyway here's a few vids I whipped up last night while I was out the back training.



I can't watch the videos Mook, it just comes up as a picture saying private video and a lock. Is anyone else having this problem??
Shame, I'd have loved to have seen them. I'll try to get a video or two made today and post it on here.
I can't watch the videos Mook, it just comes up as a picture saying private video and a lock. Is anyone else having this problem??
Shame, I'd have loved to have seen them. I'll try to get a video or two made today and post it on here.

your not the only one, theyre locked,


Nice work.
Other than lineage differences, we are doing it the same way.

BTW, nice to finally put a face with the name after all this time.
Mook, no disrespect intended, if i may there is something that shows me you do not have Nim lik, Tei gong, and im not talking about your forms,
its the way you walk, to much movement from side to side, you havnt got a hold of your center of gravity, just my 2 cents,

Heres a demonstration of using nim lik, (finding your center of gravity and holding it using the mind) it looks very sloppy, but its to give you a idea of what im talking about, ive only be doing Wing Chun for 8 years, never bothered with Bil gee, note the camera is on a lean, I tryed streatching my hune sau but doesnt help, creates unwanted tension,
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Thanks mate.
Just remember we are all in this for the long haul , so take your time and don't compare your skill level to anyone else.
Only compare yourself to what you were like yesterday.
Y'know, I saw no wasted movement in those videos. Looked good to me! :asian: