Clark Kent
<B>News Bot</B>
Slashdot Games Blizzard Sued By South Carolina Inmate
By News Bot - 11-05-2008 02:23 PM
Originally Posted at: Dead Parrot Tavern
Benjamin Duranske writes "Jonathan Lee Riches, an inmate in South Carolina famous for filing long, handwritten, rambling screeds against celebrities, politicians, and even buildings, has filed a third-party motion in Federal Court in Arizona in the MDY v. Blizzard botting case claiming that Blizzard's World of Warcraft 'caused Riches mind to live in a virtual universe, where Riches explored the landscape committing identity theft and fighting cybermonster rival hacker gangs. Riches was addicted to video games and lost touch with reality because of defendants. This caused Riches to commit fraud to buy defendants video games. Riches chose World of Warcraft over working a legit job, Riches mind became a living video game.'"pa href=";from=rss"img src=";op=imageamp;style=h0amp;sid=08/11/05/1658215"/a/ppa href=";from=rss"Read more of this story/a at Slashdot./p pa href=""img src="" border="0" ismap="true"/img/a/pimg src="" height="1" width="1"/
The Dead Parrot Tavern - The Dead Parrot Tavern is a community forum for the discussion of the golden age of piracy, pirate fests, ren faires, science fiction, fantasy and horror with news, info, calendars of events, message boards, and more! We welcome all to our shores!
By News Bot - 11-05-2008 02:23 PM
Originally Posted at: Dead Parrot Tavern
Benjamin Duranske writes "Jonathan Lee Riches, an inmate in South Carolina famous for filing long, handwritten, rambling screeds against celebrities, politicians, and even buildings, has filed a third-party motion in Federal Court in Arizona in the MDY v. Blizzard botting case claiming that Blizzard's World of Warcraft 'caused Riches mind to live in a virtual universe, where Riches explored the landscape committing identity theft and fighting cybermonster rival hacker gangs. Riches was addicted to video games and lost touch with reality because of defendants. This caused Riches to commit fraud to buy defendants video games. Riches chose World of Warcraft over working a legit job, Riches mind became a living video game.'"pa href=";from=rss"img src=";op=imageamp;style=h0amp;sid=08/11/05/1658215"/a/ppa href=";from=rss"Read more of this story/a at Slashdot./p pa href=""img src="" border="0" ismap="true"/img/a/pimg src="" height="1" width="1"/
The Dead Parrot Tavern - The Dead Parrot Tavern is a community forum for the discussion of the golden age of piracy, pirate fests, ren faires, science fiction, fantasy and horror with news, info, calendars of events, message boards, and more! We welcome all to our shores!