SL-4 Video Clips

Whenever my teacher feels I am ready.

another month or two I think, unless I can find some time for a few private lessons...

but, back on topic, he told me last night "I'm really feeling Doc's stuff right now..." its like a virus I tell ya.

That's outstanding! Has some of it been worked in to the curriculum?
i love that all your students have such excellent posture. Thaks for the tease....when could i ever make it out to Cali!!!

Awesome, Awesome stuff. I am so glad I have finally seen this SL-4 you guys have been talking about!


I second that! This small sample indicates to me a very comprehensive strategy underpinning SL4 Kenpo. Very interesting and impressive stuff. Thanks Doc, MLJ/Mike, and all involved in demonstrating and getting this onto MT. :asian:
Hold on, I'm not sure I can handle you AND Carol at the same time. That's a lot of brain power in one place.

Oh I'll get confused easily enough...unlike Dr. Dave. ;)
i love that all your students have such excellent posture. Thaks for the tease....when could i ever make it out to Cali!!!


Thanks to all the posters for the kind remarks. The students and I appreciate it very much.

I spend significant time teaching all the intricacies of basics, and the importance of posture in application and body mechanics. Therefore, proper form is prevalent.

I will endeavor to get my oldest student on video soon. Lincoln Conti, at 67 and still going strong. Began Kenpo when he met Parker in 1964 and is a 1st generation on the family tree.

Thanks again all.
A habit I picked up from Ed Parker in my sessions. He always played jazz, or had the radio on station K-Earth 101.1 FM - Golden Oldies Rock & Roll 24/7.

I was out of the area in the Service from 71-75 when K-Earth first came on. But remember well the old AM's: KRLA, KFWB, and KHJ. But Doc, they weren't Oldies. :) Till now (life lesson in there someplace?). :ultracool
That's outstanding! Has some of it been worked in to the curriculum?

Not as much as I had hoped... but if you watch him you will see some signatures but not really teahcing it that way yet.

if you look at the classes I teach vs the others they all have their heels out much more consistently.

We have some techniques that have a downward strike (hammer or knife etc) that follow a front kick, and we have started teaching that so as to link the forward step-own of the kick with the strike - which is like "DUH" totally obvious NOW but which Doc really brought out for me.

in one or two of our kata there are actually places where we were taught to slap your own chest while striking. Well, now we know what the heck that is all about and have cleaned it up to be the shoulder - as Doc taught us to BAM.

Shaolin kempo is already a mish-mash of other material. So it's both easy and hard to integrate the things I'm learning from SL-4. Any little piece is easy, but getting it consistent is hard for a number of reasons, the biggest of which is because I only know the skinniest tip of the SL-4 iceberg. but also hard because SKK is such a mix-up, like de-tangling my daughter's hair, replacing one strand of hair with another.

One thing I do know for certain is that my performance of the SKK material is greatly improved by using the body mechanics Doc teaches. yeah I look different that most of the people I work out with but I know exactyy why I am doing the things I am doing which many of them cannot say. And the power I can deliver now on strikes is really nice, and it feel so much more under control... Also SKK does a lot of manipulations and just knowing that your stance is SO SOLID that you cannot be moved makes that class of technique much more accessible.
in one or two of our kata there are actually places where we were taught to slap your own chest while striking. Well, now we know what the heck that is all about and have cleaned it up to be the shoulder - as Doc taught us to BAM.

OK, I'll "bite"!
What the heck IS it "all about"? :D

oh, man.... I hate to do this to you, but use the search function for BAM, PAM, Body Alignment Mechanism, SL-4, or any post by "Doc". or take the red pill and wake up in your own bed...

The question s/b who's doing what to whom? :D

You previously posted:
in one or two of our kata there are actually places where we were taught to slap your own chest while striking. Well, now we know what the heck that is all about and have cleaned it up to be the shoulder - as Doc taught us to BAM.
When I was learning Kajukenbo in the 60s with a number of Islanders, the gesture of slapping the shoulder meant pretty much the same as "the Italian Salute"... only farther. :D

Later on in the 60s and early 70s, some forms monkeys who couldn't make their gis crack used to slap their chests to create what they hoped were "acceptable" "sound efects".

The question s/b who's doing what to whom? :D

You previously posted:
When I was learning Kajukenbo in the 60s with a number of Islanders, the gesture of slapping the shoulder meant pretty much the same as "the Italian Salute"... only farther. :D

Later on in the 60s and early 70s, some forms monkeys who couldn't make their gis crack used to slap their chests to create what they hoped were "acceptable" "sound efects".


you didn't get any of that from doing the searches I suggested LOL
I was out of the area in the Service from 71-75 when K-Earth first came on. But remember well the old AM's: KRLA, KFWB, and KHJ. But Doc, they weren't Oldies. :) Till now (life lesson in there someplace?). :ultracool
Didn't "The Real Don Steele" from KHJ radio have a dance show on TV? Man, that seems like such a long time ago...was it channel 9, and was it the {TV station sister} of KHJ?
Didn't "The Real Don Steele" from KHJ radio have a dance show on TV? Man, that seems like such a long time ago...was it channel 9, and was it the {TV station sister} of KHJ?

I think he did. Channel 9 sounds right, although I was usually in the garage swapping manifolds, short blocks, radios & 8 tracks (even a 4 track back when :)), whatever in and out of my 57 Chevy. Finally sold it for $295--

Another world, huh? And life seemed so hard, then. :ultracool
Didn't "The Real Don Steele" from KHJ radio have a dance show on TV? Man, that seems like such a long time ago...was it channel 9, and was it the {TV station sister} of KHJ?
Man, I can't belive you would diss "The Boss, Tom Cross," on KGFJ. The original urban radio. Going all the way back to "Roscoe, on your radio. - Burn Baby Burn!" Whose slogan was picked up and used in the L.A. riots of 1965.
Man, I can't belive you would diss "The Boss, Tom Cross," on KGFJ. The original urban radio. Going all the way back to "Roscoe, on your radio. - Burn Baby Burn!" Whose slogan was picked up and used in the L.A. riots of 1965.

Sir, you prove once again that you're the man. :ultracool

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