Yep. Perris, CA.
And its a minimum of 8 jumps til you're solo, but jumping with a jumpmaster right next to you til you're off student status and get your license. its 8 levels of AFF (accelerated free fall) and if you don't pass a level, you have to repeat it til you get it right. most people pass tho.
after you pass AFF, you're still considered a student til you reach 20 jumps, and then you can get your Class A license which will let you jump anywhere.
AFF Level 1
Positive stability, altitude awareness, practice ripcord touches, experiencing freefalling with two jumpmasters.
AFF Level 2
Forward Movement
Two jumpmasters, increased body awareness, forward movement, pulling your own ripcord, waving off, review freefall.
AFF Level 3
90 Degree Turns
Two jumpmasters, expanded air awareness, spotting, canopy control, positive stability, complete review and more. Sometime before you do Level 4 you must join the United States Parachute Association.
AFF Level 4
Release Dive
One jumpmaster, obtaining neutral stability, maintaining heading, new freefall procedures, always the review, and more..
AFF Level 5
Turns To Redock
One jumpmaster, forward movement, 180 & 360 turns, canopy control, review and more.
AFF Level 6
Half Series And Tracking
One jumpmaster, more spotting, delta tracking, turns and center-pointing, freefall procedures, and more.
AFF Level 7
Sequence Dive
One jumpmaster, spotting exits, rate of fall, altitude awareness, docking, 360 turns, total review and more.
AFF Level 8
Advanced Flying Skills
One jumpmaster, ground preparations, canopy checks, dive-out exits, sideslipping, tracking, breakoff sequence, total review covering all procedures.