The early SKK forms did not end up in the same place as you started from, this was not their intent. You were supposted to end up facing the same direction as when you first started. You were supposed to end up at a certain location.
As far as the stances go, most colored belts and even some black belts, have one stance width when the strong side is forward and another when the weak side is forward. The reason for knowing your exact ending point was all about angles and stance width. By simply turning the wrong angle you would end up in the wrong place.
The most common problem found was the strong side forward vs weak side forward,(different widths). Even during the pivoting footwork the various pivoting stance widths would change.
All of this would place you in the incorrect ending location / direction.
yup, I cant tell you how many times students have tried to end up in the same spot and really get frazzled when they can't!!