SKH Quest Fall Festival 2007 Demo Reel!

The big guy in the second set of people is Brett Varnum. You want a bruise? He is the man to see! For being such a big fella, Brett can move very, very smoothly. I'm close to 6'2" tall and he has me for height.
Gold vest = BAD to the bone he still move awsome and so does She!!!!!!!
Its called BAD CONTROL. Look at Rumiko in the background when marshmellow boy nails his uke. She puts her hand to her head. Varnum is such a clown. Have been to his dojo numerous times, he struts, he flaunts, he sits, he postures. He's a money grubbing fraud. Period.
Good video I liked watching that. THanks. PRetty impressive stuff some of those guys look really good.
Varnum is such a clown. Have been to his dojo numerous times, he struts, he flaunts, he sits, he postures. He's a money grubbing fraud. Period.

Ha! I crack up trying to imagine anyone saying that to Brett Varnum's face. He's a big and powerful man who works hard, grows as a person and a martial artist, and beats sense into the confused.

But I am sorry that you were left with that impression, Arthur. You missed out on some opportunities to learn from a very talented man who loves to share his knowledge.

Its called BAD CONTROL.

Some of us in attendance were wondering why such a senior and skilled guy as Mr. Varnum nailed his uke so hard. Was it loss of control? Cruelty? No. His uke Dennis Mahoney explained - they worked out a great demo, and they trust each other because they work together so much. In the demo, Dennis was supposed to block that elbow, and he just got so ramped up during the attack that he forgot. Brett didn't pull it because he trusted that Dennis would do his part. Edgy training that took a step over the edge. Dennis was fine though - he's made of brick, and it was all consenting adults. That's how those guys choose to train with each other.

I'd like to point everyone to the forum rules. Please take some time to read them if you haven't already. Lets try to keep a civil, friendly discussion here, and avoid any rude, slanderous comments.

Thank you

Mike Slosek
MT Asst. Admin.
Thanks for posting the video. The song is quite amusing, does anyone know who sings it or what it is called?
Ha! I crack up trying to imagine anyone saying that to Brett Varnum's face. He's a big and powerful man who works hard, grows as a person and a martial artist, and beats sense into the confused.

But I am sorry that you were left with that impression, Arthur. You missed out on some opportunities to learn from a very talented man who loves to share his knowledge.

Some of us in attendance were wondering why such a senior and skilled guy as Mr. Varnum nailed his uke so hard. Was it loss of control? Cruelty? No. His uke Dennis Mahoney explained - they worked out a great demo, and they trust each other because they work together so much. In the demo, Dennis was supposed to block that elbow, and he just got so ramped up during the attack that he forgot. Brett didn't pull it because he trusted that Dennis would do his part. Edgy training that took a step over the edge. Dennis was fine though - he's made of brick, and it was all consenting adults. That's how those guys choose to train with each other.

"and beats sense into the confused." That's my favorite phrase of the day!

But I would just like to thank Mr. Casey for his insights into the true Mr. Varnum for those who haven't met him. I thought his part was awesome, straight to the point (pun not intended).
Been a while since I was around the forum. Having read what was written the last few months I have to chime in here. Brett Varnum is one of the nicest guys I know, and one that can thump you good. Both he and Dennis Mahoney train hard, and demo hard. It is a pleasure to watch those two in action. Dennis moves SOOOO well it is spooky. As in one minute you knuckle onto him and the next second you are laying on the floor in a heap wondering how the ____ you got there because he never touched you. Honest to Goodness, that has happened to me several times with him. Brett is just a big, strong, very well trained man. Anybody who says otherwise either walked into his small dojo with an attitude and got bounced HARD, or somebody who has never set foot in the place. Seen too many high ranking artists from other arts come in, and learn the slow looking guy is a wonder when he moves, and is by no means slow OR unskilled.
Wow im glad you all talked that out so reasonably because when I saw arthurtennyson77's comment about Brett I nearly exploded.

I have never heard such a WRONG and disrespectful view of Brett. Everyone I know Respects Brett, rightfully might I add, and knows of his skill and kind additude. you don't earn that kind of recognition by strutting around flaunting and being a money grubbing fraud. infact you dont earn Hombu Shihan which is the highest honor that any instructor could
ever hope to achieve by doing those things either. That is somthing you have to earn.

I think hes comming to visit us up here in the north sometime in the future.
Wow im glad you all talked that out so reasonably because when I saw arthurtennyson77's comment about Brett I nearly exploded.

You have to learn to ignore such statements you know are false. It also helps when you know the all the players involved, or at least have a good idea who they are.

If you quick jump all over the statement made, then the other poster has won and made you did what they wanted ANYBODY to do, and that is to lose their cool. Any person who has trained alongside Brett, or Dennis knows how those two go at each other and how well they work together; so any statement to the contrary is just a load of fertilizer. Make a comment to the contrary if you want, but don't jump down another posters throat because they are trollish in their remarks, it drags the whole thread down to their level.
*sigh* I know. all of what you said is true. but ahhhh it just doesn't seem right seeing those words there. like you said though. they were placed there to agitate me. when I think of it that way they lose their meaning