Site Crash 8-25-2009 - Data Lost.

no. All data from 8/18 through 12am 8/25 is lost.
Boy, I'm glad I found this thread. I noticed that my Systema Breathing poem was gone and I was slapping my forehead. What, the mods removed it? Who would complain about poetry?!? :uhyeah:

That said Bob, I want to echo everyone's appreciation for all you do for MY, especially over the past few days.

-I've been a member since '04. I know what keeps me coming back here to MT. Its all the possibilities for interesting conversation and learning. What was lost really is just a drop in the bucket. I say don't worry about it. Process what happened and move on. Live and learn. Its like the cup of knowledge being bumped and some of it spilling out. Now there's room for more.


wow was everything lost for good then? i was looking for topics to read to better my knowledge of the sport. i'll check back again once new threads are started then.


mma fanatic