Site Crash 8-25-2009 - Data Lost.

We're looking at the loss of about 3,000 posts and 40 new registrations. 10-15 of those were spam bots. I'm trying to re-enter the legit registrations today.

No Good Deed Goes Unpunished. Trying to save data and have regular backups and be a good host and try to give people a product they can use and be happy with.

Shame on you for having a care for customer service. ;)

I really understand the lost of data and backups not working. That happened to me this summer as well. If I had not been diligent of having certain data stored on multiple formats I may have been in a serious spot. Instead I only lost a couple of months which I could reconstruct. (* Note: a couple of months might be a normal day for this site *)

So, relax and continue the good work and we will all sing your and your staffs' praise in the end. :D
You mean you lost my witty retort in the US Politics forum? You all would've been amazed. It was devastating and debilitating; a truly once in a life time combination of wise insight and cunning sarcasm with unassailable logic and uncanny accuracy.

*sigh* well everyone can just bow and submit to my presence anyway. Trust me, you would've known I deserve it had the post not been losy

Reminds me of a dilbert comic, where he is giving a presentation to some customers.

Our product isn't finished.
If it was, you'd see something here; here; and sometimes here.
And then you'd say 'I gotta get me some of that'.
Any questions?
I just checked, and there's 6 rep points I won't see again in a hurry.
then again, there are worse things than losing a bit of online data. :) :(

Don't sweat it Bob. Compared to other things, this doesn't even register as 'annoying' in the grand scheme of things. I appreciate everything you and the site staff do every day to make this site work.
I want to thank everyone for their understanding and support while I recover from what could have been very ugly.

I'm out of rum again and days like today are not ones where you want to be out of rum.
Sorry to hear that Bob. Being in IT myself (Sys Admin to Director) I feel your pain. I have been down you road a couple of times myself. I for one can actually empathize.
So much for all my wonderful post, well do I have to do twice as much to get where I was or three times as much so I can stay where Ia m at? These are the questions that keep me up at night.
We're looking at the loss of about 3,000 posts and 40 new registrations. 10-15 of those were spam bots. I'm trying to re-enter the legit registrations today.

Bless yer heart. I feel for ya!

I want to thank everyone for their understanding and support while I recover from what could have been very ugly.

I'm out of rum again and days like today are not ones where you want to be out of rum.

Now I really feel for ya!!

Thanks for letting us know what the deal was. I thought that I had been talking to my self there for a while.
Let's all try to help Kaith and the site recover by posting a week's worth of stuff in the LPT tonight!
Great, we lose all those posts but somehow Clark Kent manages to make it to another day.... :)

Thanks for the hard work Bob.
Let's all try to help Kaith and the site recover by posting a week's worth of stuff in the LPT tonight!
I have reason to believe that part of the import problem was the miles long LPT's from the other site. I still can't delete one of them from there.
no, different one, in an unviewable archive area there.
Because I'm a Gawd. ;) I'm now deleting it, 400 posts at a time (software limit it seems). only 25,000 or so more to go.........

Considering MTs 2 old ones are even larger.....ugh.