Sin's Apoligie


2nd Black Belt
I apoligize for my conduct in the Dillman thread. I got caught up in the moment and I let my emotions get he best of me. The frustration clouded my mind from seeing the true disscussion, and I will strive to never let it happen again. Also I apoligize to all the Martial Artists I have offended, and I wish them all the best of luck in there training, no matter who tutiage they are under. :asian:
Sin, I for one can understand getting cought up in the moment and commend you on apoligy in this manner. You are a better man for this attempt. My hat is off to you.. GOD BLESS AMERICA

Everyone can let their emotions get the best of them sometimes, it is important to learn and grow from your mistakes.

In going over the thread in question, something which pertains to your apology caught my eye, and I thought I would give you my opinion.

Sorry if it seemed was only my anger for what Dillman has done to the art and the fact that he has given MA a really bad name. At least in my eyes and the people I train with feel that way
If you hold anger over what someone else has done to the art that you study, perhaps you are identifying yourself a little too closely with your art and training. Sin, there is more to you than the martial arts.

Sometimes it can be helpful to just step back and put things into context - there are a lot of other things going on in our lives - people we love, things that we do, times we enjoy, responsibilities we carry. To define oneself by one's training is limiting the description, there's so much more to each of us.

Holding anger over something so petty is allowing something insignificant to control and influence your inner self. You are more than that. There are more valuable places to concentrate your energy and vigour.

If this was more than you wanted to hear in response to your apology, then I apologize to you. I mention all of this not as a Moderator, but as a fellow MT member, and as a fellow human. Take from it what you choose.

It takes a big person to admit when they were wrong and out of control. Kudos to you for doing it!! It shows that you are growing as a person. Do not let that quality go as many people today are worried about their egos and will never admit fault.
Yeah you guys I know its weak of me to get angry over something petty and I think that i should just try and focus on the fundamentals of my art and not get caught up in the politics of it all. And thank you all for the comments, they are all greatly appresiated

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