Simple karate


Yellow Belt
Feb 3, 2023
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What's the most basic style of karate for fighting.
I like the Look of karate but I absolutely hate kata ...yes I know Shotokan tops the list, I found it so boring.
So looking for minimal kata with more Partner training.
Ashihara, Enshin or Kudo sound like your gig.

But kata's awesome, so... you should just do kata ;)
thanks will look into it. not saying kata is bad but i just got bored quickly & i preferred the partner training. I really disliked shotokan.
I don't know if Karate schools like this exist, but I know Taekwondo schools do.

Many TKD schools treat forms as an afterthought. They're required for belts, but there's very little class time spent on them. You spend more time doing kicks than doing sparring.

However, it might be hard for you to find something that has the aesthetic you like, if you remove the biggest reason for that aesthetic (the forms). Forms are great to practice at home between classes for additional exercise.
I don't know if Karate schools like this exist, but I know Taekwondo schools do.

Many TKD schools treat forms as an afterthought. They're required for belts, but there's very little class time spent on them. You spend more time doing kicks than doing sparring.

However, it might be hard for you to find something that has the aesthetic you like, if you remove the biggest reason for that aesthetic (the forms). Forms are great to practice at home between classes for additional exercise.
I'm not interested in Aesthetic forms...only real combat with sparring which includes ( as in kudo) throws...etc
Perhaps... uhmmm... boxing or MT?
Kata cannot be separated from the Karate style; otherwise, it would not be Karate; Kyokushin practices Kata as much as sparring.
Perhaps... uhmmm... boxing or MT?
Kata cannot be separated from the Karate style; otherwise, it would not be Karate; Kyokushin practices Kata as much as sparring.
Yes, it can. Kata is a teaching tool. Its primary benefits are allowing a group to practice in a confined area without crashing into each other (assuming they're all doing the same kata...) and giving students to practice at home, alone, with zero equipment required.

But it is absolutely possible to teach any style you can think of without any kata at all.
Although technically anyone can teach or practice the style without any Kata, in terms of taking "formal education" or walking into a dojo of any particular style, good luck finding a Karate school that will guide you directly to Kumite while skipping kihon and Kata, as to why I mention better to go straight to Muay Thai/kickboxing. I'm not sure if the OP is looking for formal training with a dojo or stuff he can do at home via YouTube; if it's the latter, then practice away with what you've got; any training is better than no training, in my opinion.
What's the most basic style of karate for fighting.
I like the Look of karate but I absolutely hate kata ...yes I know Shotokan tops the list, I found it so boring.
So looking for minimal kata with more Partner training.
I'm not interested in Aesthetic forms...only real combat
Kata can be just an aesthetic form, but at its core is fighting. It was developed from partner training techniques as a way to practice them solo. In some styles and schools kata has devolved into aesthetics, concentrating on form and basic execution, losing much of its original combat function. Taught and practiced correctly, kata can help your fighting in various ways.
Kyokushin, or just straight up kickboxing

What do you mean by you love the look of karate if you don’t like kata? Kata is where the look of karate comes from
Perhaps... uhmmm... boxing or MT?
Kata cannot be separated from the Karate style; otherwise, it would not be Karate; Kyokushin practices Kata as much as sparring.
I beg to differ, sir. Most American Karate styles do not have Kata