as far as I can tell, these are for the exact same attack. What would cause you to use one of them over the other two? IS there a difference, which I am not aware of?
These were the ways I learned the techniques:
Retreating from the Horizon:
[FONT="]This technique is used when someone has your right arm twisted behind your back. Step backward with your left foot and left elbow them in the ribs. Step forward with your left foot, and turn to face your attacker. You will have to straighten out your restrained arm to do this. Snapkick with your rear (right) foot to your attackerĀs groin.
[/FONT]Silent Escape:
[FONT="]For a right armbar. Dancer step your left foot over the right as you pull your arm down as hard as you can. Turn into a horse stance, and if their grip is not already broken, pull hand out against thumb, right thumb eye shot.[/FONT]
Diving Hawk:
[FONT="]This technique is for a right armbar. It is the longest technique in the system. Step backward with your left foot and left elbow them in the ribs. Step forward with your left foot, and turn to face your attacker. Take another step back and right chicken kick to their face. Step in with your left foot and with your left arm push their arm down to your thigh. Left elbow them in the temple, left claw out their eyes, left elbow slam into their neck, then left palm their elbow, breaking it. Left flip kick to their groin, cross step out, side kick to their knee.
(these are verbatim from my notes; retreating from the horizon is from orange belt sam point of view; the second two are from green belt sam point of view. its funny to me, how my vocabulary and describing techniques have changed.)
These were the ways I learned the techniques:
Retreating from the Horizon:
[FONT="]This technique is used when someone has your right arm twisted behind your back. Step backward with your left foot and left elbow them in the ribs. Step forward with your left foot, and turn to face your attacker. You will have to straighten out your restrained arm to do this. Snapkick with your rear (right) foot to your attackerĀs groin.
[/FONT]Silent Escape:
[FONT="]For a right armbar. Dancer step your left foot over the right as you pull your arm down as hard as you can. Turn into a horse stance, and if their grip is not already broken, pull hand out against thumb, right thumb eye shot.[/FONT]
Diving Hawk:
[FONT="]This technique is for a right armbar. It is the longest technique in the system. Step backward with your left foot and left elbow them in the ribs. Step forward with your left foot, and turn to face your attacker. Take another step back and right chicken kick to their face. Step in with your left foot and with your left arm push their arm down to your thigh. Left elbow them in the temple, left claw out their eyes, left elbow slam into their neck, then left palm their elbow, breaking it. Left flip kick to their groin, cross step out, side kick to their knee.
(these are verbatim from my notes; retreating from the horizon is from orange belt sam point of view; the second two are from green belt sam point of view. its funny to me, how my vocabulary and describing techniques have changed.)