Silat seminar in Athens, OH on May 1st


Senior Master
MTS Alumni
The seminar will be taught by Guru Kelly M. Smith. Mr. Smith offers two styles of Pencak Silat for study. He is one of only three people in the United States certified to teach both the Suwanda Family System of Pencak Silat Mande Muda under the late Pendekar Herman Suwanda and the Hanafi family system of Pencak Silat Minangkabau Harimau under Guru-Besar Richard Crabbe-DeBordes.

This seminar is sponsored by the Ohio University Mixed Martial Arts Club. The seminar will take place Athens, OH in the Combatives Room of Ohio University's Ping Recreation Center. The dates and times are Sat. May 1st, noon - 5 pm. The cost is $40 cash (plus $7 facility fee) and there will be no video or audio recording allowed. Please contact Ron Raleigh at email (or user name: OULobo) for further infromation. All styles and experience levels are welcome. Appropriate attire Only. No inappropriate t-shirts or shorts, please. Feel free to bring water and refreshments. Hope to see some forumites there.