Silat Books


3rd Black Belt
Hello, everyone. I am Wing Chun player, but two Silat books showed up in my mailbox this week.

One is by Jim Ingram, who I've learned is local to the greater Seattle area, like me.

The other is by Burton Richardson.

I took a quick high level read through of the Richardson book and really enjoyed it. I'll do the same with the Ingram book next.

Neither of these books was new, so someone who (I assume) I know decided to pass them on to me, but I have no idea who. The envelope was hand addressed and they actually got my address wrong, but it was delivered anyway. It was mailed from a town just outside of Seattle with no return address and no note. At this point, I'm thinking Santa.

I looked for a Silat forum to post this in, but there doesn't seem to be one. Still I thought there must be Silat players here who might enjoy hearing about my mystery gifts and may have some insight to share on the authors.
My teachers have been Jim Ingram and his son Raymond Ingram for about 11 years.

I trained with Raymond on a daily base at his home for a couple hours a day and got lessons from Jim Ingram when ever he was in Holland (which was most of the times twice a year for 3 months). Were cool times before I started moving my own way so learning Eskrima and Krav Maga.

I'm the only licensed instructor in EU by Jim Ingram
I get lots of books in the mail, but I have to pay for them all:(. Awesome that you got these books, hopefully they add something to your martial arts journey.

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