Sigung Stephen LaBounty Seminar In San Antonio, TX

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Originally posted by Kirk
I got it from another web site ... no idea where now, sorry.

So then it may not be from SGM Parker? Or did you check that out when you used the quote?

It sounds good, I'm just curious if I might be able to use it my Thesis or something which will require documentation for the Bibliography.
Originally posted by cdhall
So then it may not be from SGM Parker? Or did you check that out when you used the quote?

It sounds good, I'm just curious if I might be able to use it my Thesis or something which will require documentation for the Bibliography.

At the time I tried researching it. The best I saw was page after
page after page of the quote, all giving credit to Mr Parker. It
was enough for me, but maybe not enough for a Thesis.
Originally posted by Kirk
At the time I tried researching it. The best I saw was page after
page after page of the quote, all giving credit to Mr Parker. It
was enough for me, but maybe not enough for a Thesis.

Cool. Thanks.
9th Degree Black Belt American Kenpo Karate

Renowned Kenpo Instructor Stephen LaBounty will be conducting a
seminar at American Kenpo Karate in San Antonio, TX on May 17, 2003.
This seminar is open to all systems of martial arts and will be
beneficial and compatible to your fighting system.

Saturday, May 17th 2003

White, Yellow & Orange...11:30 am to 1:00 pm
Purple, Blue & Green......1:15 pm to 2:45 pm
Brown & Black.............3:00 pm to 5:00 pm

At the door...........$40.00

Please send your check or money order, along with the names
of the participants and which class they will attend to the
above address before May 10th for Pre-registration discount.
For more information or to verify your registration, call
Mr Curtis Abernathy at (210) 699-3686. Your support for
Sigung is appreciated.
I will be in a cast still. Planning on bringing quite a few students, think I can get in on a "spectator" fee or some such?

"Shamelessly keeping this at the top of the posts"
Originally posted by Michael Billings
I will be in a cast still. Planning on bringing quite a few students, think I can get in on a "spectator" fee or some such?

"Shamelessly keeping this at the top of the posts"

It doesn't hurt to ask! Think you can do dinner afterwards?
kid and I won't be able to make it. I'll be out of town. we'll catch you next time :)

Originally posted by Pakhet
kid and I won't be able to make it. I'll be out of town. we'll catch you next time :)


Well bummer!!!! Okay, hopefully next time! Sept or Oct, I can't
remember which, we're scheduled to have Zach Whitson in ...
or if Mr C comes up there before that, I'll see you then!
A request: Could someone who attends this seminar write a little bit about it? I took his seminar in Seattle and really enjoyed the hands on things he does. Let me know what your thoughts are..Please and thanks in advance..
Words cannot describe how much this seminar kicked butt.
It was all out, and I had a workout partner who could bring it!!!

Mr LaBounty worked us on pounding on each other. Said we're at a level where we should be able to take it and dish it out, and we did drills for that. Your partner would start a kick, put his foot in your gut, pause for 1 second and then shove your butt back as far as he could .. then he'd come in on you and hit you with whatever combination he wanted to. Then it was your turn :D (this was in the intermediate class by the way).

We then worked parting wings in a variety of ways, each time, slamming our attackers .. which will wear you OUT. We put in a variety of punches, face slaps, leg sweeps ... all kinds of stuff, it totally kicked butt.

Before all this, the Sigung has us do some really cool exercises, most of which I'd never seen before. Then to practice proper targeting, and to make the point that a ball kick goes forward, we worked this drill. Your partner stands in front of you with his hands on his belt. Between his arms and torso, is a hole. You kick a thrusting ball kick in that hole, trying not to hit any part of your partner. Mr LaBounty said that something you could also do is have someone stand back there with focus mitts, so you have to go through the whole, and make hard contact.

It rawked!
Some of the other things he focused on included the difference between a fight and combat. A fight can be "undecided" with no clear winner. Combat is more outcome oriented and decisive. In the Chinese Kenpo system I used to do, it was the difference in training to be a soldier or a warrior (given the military background of the president of the Association.)

Sigung also focused a bit on stages of learning. He emphasized the Purple/Blue/Green level as being the ones most at risk for leaving the Art. By then the "Mystery has been removed, you have figured out there is no Magic, and now you know it is about training." Through training you learn the Magic of Motion and therefore the Mystery of the Art returns. (I apologize for paraphrasing badly.)

It was inspiring to hear him talk about the "old guys". They all removed the Mystery and Magic, what you were left with was Mr. Parker's movement - and that came from practice - practice every day, training, training and more training. That is why he looked and moved the way he did. Because of his commitment and the amount of sweat, mental and physical that went into the Art ... it did look like "Magic" to us.

They Black Belt class was no less physical than the intermediate. He worked Falling Falcon, with a emphasis on shifting types of takedowns, submission, and arm bar. He made the "Sleeper" work unequivacably. This was done in the "older" version, with the right arm of the opponent pinned up beside their own neck. He visited the guillotine hold most of us use now, going over the top of the arms. But demonstrated the effectiveness of the older version of the Sleeper in any circumstance.

There were 30+ Black or Brown belts in attendance for the Advanced class. Persons in attendance included:

Gary Swan - 7th Black President of the NCKKA - National Chinese Kenpo Karate Association (Mr. LaBounty's senior student)
Brian Duffy - 7th Black President of the American Kenpo Federation.
Michael Abedin - 5th Black
Deanne Swan - 4th Black
George Moreno - Black Belt, NCKKA

I apologize for not listing everyone, but there were so many. May Jason Bugg, who attended, or Craig or Kirk can finish out the list.

Curtis Abernathy hosted the event, and he and his black belts were all there with bells on. They looked great.

Dinner afterwards was fun at Cha-Cha's and we hope Sigung can return soon.

Originally posted by Michael Billings
I apologize for not listing everyone, but there were so many. May Jason Bugg, who attended, or Craig or Kirk can finish out the list.


I drove over from Houston, 4 hrs away and had a great time (some guys drove in from the valley along the Mexico border). The pts I remembered him mentioning were having 3 techniques to backup everyone you execute, that "you guys" need to get together more often to training together. The things I personally came away with included that Kenpo is a universal language. My training partner spoke little english and more Spanish and we got along fine. We would signal the side of attack or "show" what we saw Mr. LaBounty teaching.

It was very interesting to see how we processed or interpreted what was conveyed visually. I guess I respect his position even more because he was learning "visually" where as I was doing "visual and auditory" and we both followed up with the kinestics.

Mr. LaBounty mentioned that we all have our dragons we have to carry and he asked that we say a prayer for those we know in the art who are training through them. One note of interest was that Mrs. Swan got a bad knee injury during the training. After ice, compression and elevation she was back on the sidelines watching and continuing to learn. I pray that she is ok, but saw a warrior spirit there. No whining, no bitching about we're training too hard, nothing....She just took care of the injury (with help) as we continued training. That's old school... Mr. LaBounty was good about asking if people had injuries (even before using them) and told them not to be heros.

A couple of other names included James Gordon 2nd Black NCKKA (a new friend), Gabriel Martinez NCKKA 2nd black and a Pekiti Tersia guy in SA,TX, Steve Kern, NCKKA 2nd or 3rd black who has his own school in SA, TX and Carlos Deleon 2nd black who introduced himself to me.

Also got the photo op and Journey signed by Mr. LaBounty, overall it was a very good day...

Originally posted by jbkenpo
A couple of other names included James Gordon 2nd Black NCKKA (a new friend), Gabriel Martinez NCKKA 2nd black and a Pekiti Tersia guy in SA,TX, Steve Kern, NCKKA 2nd or 3rd black who has his own school in SA, TX and Carlos Deleon 2nd black who introduced himself to me.

Also got the photo op and Journey signed by Mr. LaBounty, overall it was a very good day...


If there is a catalog of names going on, three other Black Belts from Mr. Swan's school and/or the NCKKA were Mike Romero, Weldon Herchek and Shawn Eddy.

I think Mr. LaBounty said that he wanted to make sure we realistically dealt with close quarters, hands on situations. We did several takedowns as Mr. Billings described. A few dozen reps I think.

Another good seminar.

P.S. Mr. LaBounty also said that Mr. Conatser was one of the most talented guys he'd ever seen.
Thank you all! It's like being there and brings back memories of Seattle. One thing I remember about Seattle is that Mr. LaBounty wore a Judo type uniform. I had a seminar with him years ago and he wore a standard karate gi we all were wearing. The point is when I saw him in it, I thought we were having a Judo class! But soon into the seminar I realized, and he confirmed it, that the uniform is function not form it's one of those things that makes me want to go duh!. I assume he wore that as well in Texas? He tyes his belt strangely too, it's like a puzzle.
I think I wrote that his class would be physical and it sounds like it was. I am a big John Sepulveda fan and his class was my first. It was great the way his teaching and Mr. Labounty's flowed into each other. Being fairly new to American Kenpo, but having rank in another Kempo system, neither man overload this new guy with words, and mysterious stuff all hands on.
I'll be moving to Colorado in the fall and hopefully will be closer to make some of these seminars by the Kenpo seniors.


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