Words cannot describe how much this seminar kicked butt.
It was all out, and I had a workout partner who could bring it!!!
Mr LaBounty worked us on pounding on each other. Said we're at a level where we should be able to take it and dish it out, and we did drills for that. Your partner would start a kick, put his foot in your gut, pause for 1 second and then shove your butt back as far as he could .. then he'd come in on you and hit you with whatever combination he wanted to. Then it was your turn

(this was in the intermediate class by the way).
We then worked parting wings in a variety of ways, each time, slamming our attackers .. which will wear you OUT. We put in a variety of punches, face slaps, leg sweeps ... all kinds of stuff, it totally kicked butt.
Before all this, the Sigung has us do some really cool exercises, most of which I'd never seen before. Then to practice proper targeting, and to make the point that a ball kick goes forward, we worked this drill. Your partner stands in front of you with his hands on his belt. Between his arms and torso, is a hole. You kick a thrusting ball kick in that hole, trying not to hit any part of your partner. Mr LaBounty said that something you could also do is have someone stand back there with focus mitts, so you have to go through the whole, and make hard contact.
It rawked!