[SIZE=+1]A friend of mine sent me this, I immediately thought of my husband 
Signs You Are Going to Have a Rec.Guns Christmas
[/SIZE][SIZE=+1]*Wondering if an H&K MP5K will fit in your stocking.
*Attempting to convince family that a progressive loading press really is
"the gift that keeps on giving."
*Alphabetized Christmas-card list begins with "Ayoob, M."
*Working up a recipe for "+P+" eggnog.
*"Guns" and "Ammo" appear among your requested gifts--and we're not
talking a measly magazine subscription here.
*Neckties available in wool, silk, polyester....What, no Kevlar?
*This year's Christmas lights: Aimpoint red and Trijicon green.
*Use finally found for distant relative's annual gift of fruitcake--in
your terminal-ballistics testing. ("Against bullets of conventional
design, it's roughly equivalent to Threat-Level II body armor.)"
*Q: "Honey, what's that cologne you like so much?" A: "Hoppe's #9."
*Holiday dessert treats made with ballistic gelatin.
*An annual concern: "If a fat old guy with a sleigh and eight reindeer
can penetrate my home's security perimeter undetected, what else are we
vulnerable to?"
*Children stay up to await the approach of Santa's sleigh, watching the
skies through a 50x spotting scope.
*Your tree's ornaments have all been NP3'd.
*Realization that Santa Claus is not a Class III dealer forces a drastic
revision of your Christmas list.

Signs You Are Going to Have a Rec.Guns Christmas
[/SIZE][SIZE=+1]*Wondering if an H&K MP5K will fit in your stocking.
*Attempting to convince family that a progressive loading press really is
"the gift that keeps on giving."
*Alphabetized Christmas-card list begins with "Ayoob, M."
*Working up a recipe for "+P+" eggnog.
*"Guns" and "Ammo" appear among your requested gifts--and we're not
talking a measly magazine subscription here.
*Neckties available in wool, silk, polyester....What, no Kevlar?
*This year's Christmas lights: Aimpoint red and Trijicon green.
*Use finally found for distant relative's annual gift of fruitcake--in
your terminal-ballistics testing. ("Against bullets of conventional
design, it's roughly equivalent to Threat-Level II body armor.)"
*Q: "Honey, what's that cologne you like so much?" A: "Hoppe's #9."
*Holiday dessert treats made with ballistic gelatin.
*An annual concern: "If a fat old guy with a sleigh and eight reindeer
can penetrate my home's security perimeter undetected, what else are we
vulnerable to?"
*Children stay up to await the approach of Santa's sleigh, watching the
skies through a 50x spotting scope.
*Your tree's ornaments have all been NP3'd.
*Realization that Santa Claus is not a Class III dealer forces a drastic
revision of your Christmas list.