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Peaceful Tiger

Hi, I'm new to this site so I hope I'm not being too pretentious in posting this thread.
Kurohana had us all introduce ourselves on another martial arts site and it seemed to work out quite well. I figured it would be nice if it could happen here too. It will help us get to know each other better and hopefully people will know who to ask if they have a particular question about training or ninjutsu in general.

Let me get the ball rolling and don't be too shy to join in.....


Hello everybody,
My name's Iain McKellan, I'm a 31 year old Scot living in Oxfordshire, England whilst serving in the Royal Air Force.

I've been training in Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu/Ninjutsu now for just over two years, training three to five nights a week depending on my work schedule and hold the rank of 2nd Kyu.


I did judo when I was nine years old but was forced to go for a whole year by my parents and didn't really enjoy it much at all.

When I was nineteen I took up TaeKwon-Do after being attacked by two drunken yobs in town one night. I received a good kicking and sported a tennis ball sized lump on my forehead and a couple of very bruised ribs.
I did Taekwon-Do about four nights a week for two and a half years until joining the Air Force. It got me the fittest and most flexible and in the best shape I have ever been.
Whilst in the Air Force my TKD enthusiasm waned because of a lack of clubs and instructors in my area. Also I didn't drive at the time so it would have been difficult for me to travel any distance to train. Occasionally an instructor would come along and I would train for a few months or so, but I never graded again and I finished my TaeKwon-Do career as a red-tag.

I joined Marc Moor's Budo Warrior Schools in September 2002 because I fancied getting back into martial arts. I thought I'd give ninjutsu a try after seeing the classes advertised on a website.
As soon as I sat down and watched the first class and the ease with which Marc demonstrated techniques I was impressed. I returned the next week to have a go and after that, I put in my paperwork and signed up.

I have attended seminars given by Brin Morgan, John Gardner and Bill Liddle.
I attended the last ever European Taikai in Manchester last June. I also visited the Honbu Dojo in April and trained under the guidance of Soke Hatsumi and the Japanese Shihan. In March I shall be attending Richard Van Donk's Training Camp/TaiKai in California.

What do I get out of it?

Mostly I enjoy the friendly relaxed atmosphere that we train in. I love the fact that we get to play with techniques and come up with alternative moves. I have made so many new friends and have a new social life which extends outside of the dojo.


I'm fairly good at taijustu aspects, strikes, pressure points, hand and body escapes. I'm also good at knife and kunai stuff.

Hanbo, Bo-Staff, Naginata and Bokken. I can do the basics to a lot of this stuff but when you keep adding counter attacks and all the rest, it just gets too complicated and I just want to give up and go home. So I suppose another weakness is that I get flustered and mad at myself when I can't do the techniques.
welcome to martial talk. have fun posting! use the search buttons to kinda find anwsers to some of your questions regarding the members here. have fun!

-mt moderator-
Hey, I remember this post. :D

About me:
Not new to ninjutsu but new to actual training. Looking to own a hsc (home study course) on Richard Van Donk's ABD (American Bujinkan Dojo) and Tew Ryu. Should have them by the end of this year or beginning of next. I don't have a dojo cause the closes one is over 40 miles away and I don't have the money to visit it once or twice a week, and I don't just want to visit it once or twice a month. So the hsc is for me, sadly.
I'll be attending the Richard Van Donk TaiKai in March of 2005. That Peaceful Tiger will also be attending. It will be my first seminar I have been to.

I got into ninjutsu because of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles comics (Mirage) in '87. I've read Stephen Hayes, Hatsumi, Andrew Adams, Robert Bussey, etc, even a few fakes for the fun of it. In 2001, I found the Tew Ryu site and became amazed by the stuff. Then even more amazed because he learned from Bussey. Later in 2002, I found the Richard Van Donk site. I browsed through it and wasn't too sure if this was for me, traditional ninjutsu I mean. But after a good hard look, speaking with Bujinkan students, and re-reading books. I came to the conclusion that it does peek my interest.
I'd like to become a black belt in Tew Ryu and at least a 2nd degree black belt in Bujinkan.

Martial Art skills:

What do I get out of it?:
The ability to learn ninjutsu. I've always wanted to learn a well rounded art that had everything that I wanted in it. Mental, spiritual and physical characteristics. Including stealth, camo, concealment, climbing, water skills, survival, combat, etc.
Plus, I learn a lot about myself and about others. It just feels right.

Not totally sure. Um, I guess my mental and spiritual abilities. I'm good at understanding others, adapting to situations, I can 'vanish' in a crowd, I'm open minded, etc.
Plus, I catch on quick. And I'm good at stealth (basics).

So far everything because I don't really know anything. :D
Not too good with breakfalls from higher up than 4 feet. Stamina bites. I get mad too easily if someone punches in the face (I suppose it is a natural reaction). Timing not the best. Climbing not really for me; I don't like hieghts. Not the best with flailing weapons or with shuriken targeting. Not sure with everything else.
"Mental and spiritual abilities"??

Ummm... if you don't mind me asking, what exactly do you mean by that?? :idunno:
Mental and spiritual abilities

Some mental abilities: changing your additude so you can blend in better with people, five elemental rule regarding emotions, able to understand people better just by hearing them talk and/or seeing them move, etc.

Some spiritual abilities: meditation (or is that mental or both?), sensing engery flows around you (sakki test is a good example), kuji kiri (I don't practice it but I think it'd be nice to learn), etc.

I hope this helps answer your question, and remember ninjutsu/ninjitsu isn't all about taijutsu (physical). It is also about the mental and spiritual aspects.
Ummmm..... okay??

How someone who has admittedly stated he has "no rank" and has "read and learned a bit" would possibly have experience in these things is beyond me.

But, hey, whudda I know?? :asian:
Well I would assume that he means he is practising self discipline and trying to follow a certain code that goes along with it. Refinement and spirituality can come from a few sources, not always taught from a Bujinkan Shidoshi.

But I get your point.
My name is Jibran Khan
I became interested in the Bujinkan system upon reading The Mystic Arts of the Ninja by Stephen Kinryu Jien Hayes
My family is currently posted in Bangladesh but when i move back to VA I will attend a dojo in MD. I plan to train at a dojo whenever I am in a city that has a dojo.
I am currently studying at home; I tried Shihan Van Donk's course and I found that the teaching style did not suit me, I chose Mr. Hayes' course (it had better teaching and price) in To-Shin-Do but I am recieving Bujinkan ranking for it (long story here). I am not using the course alone, I am also studying with other (legitimate Bujinkan) materials to help my training.
I may have the chance to train in Japan (though just one or two classes) when we go back to America for vacation (we can go via London or Tokyo; I made the obvious choice).
I have no rank (mu-kyu)
I do not really have strong points yet but my major weak point is that I get drawn into politics easily (Kutaki visitors know this :) )
I constantly study Japanese history as part of my training.
Training philosophy has helped me a lot. I like the Bujinkan approach to solving problems.
Hi Everyone,
This is my first posting on martial talk. My name is Patrick Pace (aka LimeyDog) I am originally from the UK but now living in Los Angeles. I have trained in the martial arts now for just over 25 years attaining several black belts along the way (American Kenpo, Wado Ryu Karate, Full Contact Karate and Muay Thai). I have trained in Budo Taijutsu under Shihan Bill Atkins of the Bujinkan Tenchijin Dojo in Northern California (9th Kyu) and am currently studying Toshindo through An Shu Stephen Hayes's home study programme (and loving every minute of it). I still have an American Kenpo School in the UK (Taught by one of my black belts). I am interested in opening a Toshindo school in Los Angeles.

Anyways starting to ramble on. I look forward to future postings with you all.

Warmest Regards
Patrick "LimeyDog" Pace
Hi Everyone,

I studied BBT under Shihan Bill Atkins for a while, so yes I would offer a BBT course at the Toshindo school I would like to open in LA. First things first though I have to become certified by An Shu Hayes.
