Sick of the Mcdojang crap!!!!


Brown Belt
Feb 19, 2009
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How many of thse people who talk about mcdoangs still train? I mean really train! I read these post about Mc Dojang this and Mc Dojang that.. Things were better in the old day...... Are any of these people school owners??? I sure that there are school that suck and don't teach quailty martial arts but some of the thing that are listed that make you a Mc Dojang are posted by people whom have never run a professional school!
I don't follow.....
I am a school owner

I talk trash about McDojo's

I KNOW I dont run one. I got students that have been there almost a year and are not even purple belts yet.

MY concious is clean
thats what i mean... you hav a purple.... that make your school a Mc dojang..
Because all the threads are from people who are full of ****. Please tell me how long ( not what you think ) does it take to reach purple belt? and for black for that matter... how much is the standard for belt testing.... not what you think or what your instructor thinks... but a standard
and by the way I know that I don't ...
this is what always happens when it comes to this .. No standards. So then it comes down to instruction, So the schools that have poor instruction use the term Mc dojang for the schools that are doing it right is that it? If you can't keep students then blame it on the other guy!
I have the rank of purple in my system because I use a classic 10/10 rank structure, the same one that has existed since the 1600's in japan.

Since i have 10 ranks before Black, I have to call them SOMETHING......

There are some standards.

The main ones being:
Average time to BB is 4 years
Belt tests every 3-4 months
10 or fewer ranks before Black
No DAN ranks before the age of 16
LOL, settle down, Honey! Life is too short.

Tea is good, or maybe something more adult?

There are good schools and there are bad schools (and there are mail order long distance ones...) just one of life's little facts.

but we have gone down this road's a subject matter where no good comes from the discussion. Ever.
no, it isnt.

the kyu/dan system wasnt used in MARTIAL ARTS till kano used it for Judo. it existed for ranking GO players as far back as the 1600's in japan

The dan ranking system was invented by Honinbo Dosaku, professional go player in the Edo period.[2] Prior to the invention, top-to-bottom ranking was evaluated by each handicaps and tended to be vague. He valued then highest title holder, Meijin at 9 Dan.
Dan ranks were applied to martial arts by Kano Jigoro, the founder of judo.

Uhhh, Twinfist. The kyu/dan system is a creation of the 20th century by Judo's founder Kano. FWIW.
Dude I own and ioerate a school that is ne way a McDojaang. So what, do I care what some might thinl HELL NO. I still train maybe not as hard as I did some twenty - Thirty year ago but I still train. I mean the body can only take so much of a beating before it starts to break down.

I believe we should never show anger in the face of your opponet and since you feel like some here are attracking you about your school or your training method than try and be the bigger person. I hope your own frustrations about what is or is not something calms down and let you become a better man for it.
McDojangsim/McDojoism is neither a totally terrible thing for a school to be, nor is it a totally good thing for a school to be. It is a certain set of practices that resemble the sort of business model McDonald's uses.

Generally you are going to get schools with higher quality referring to schools of lesser quality as McDojangs, even if it is for the wrong reason. So the opposite of what you've said.

The lack of standards is something that a number of McDojangs take advantage of due to the lessened effort of not providing quality training, and they can still hand out black belts. So reduce cost = increased profit. Which is what McDojangs are all about, not all do it but it is a practice common to them.

It is true that some schools that would call others McDojangs because of jealousy of their ability to gain students, but a lot of the time they are in fact losing out to kickboxersise renamed taekwondo, and they do not want to go down that path. But then again you get teachers who teach for the love of teaching, and they will refer to some schools as McDojangs, so they're not even jealous.

Purple belt is hardly a sign by itself of McDojangism, just because you can't deal with purple is a reason to go nuts.
To me a McDojang is a school that advertises a curriculum that it doesn't effectively teach. So for example a "get fit" kick-boxercising type school telling people they teach SD is a McDojang while a pro-boxing academy that advertises some kind of philosophical teachings to make students more enlightened is also a McDojang. Whereas a kick-boxercising school that simply advertises fitness or a pro-boxing academy that tells its students it is training them to be pro-fighters would not be McDojangs.
So now the ball is in your court. What exactly do you consider a McDojang vs a good school?
Sorry... just gets me pissed... I wonder if plumers or deli owners get the same crap..
I have the ball... Well, I have a school in my town that the person that owns it has been to every school in the area only to be kicked out. His person even came to mine for a short time. I think she has maybe her first kukkiwon...maybe.. Anyway she got the rest of her rank here and there and now was promoted to 5th through this I don't know what org. To make matters worst she even moved into my old building... I have a large student base always have since I opened.. her on the other hand I think she has maybe under twenty.. They teach MMA, Taekwondo, Kung fu and Jujitsu. People tell me that she calls my school a Mc dojang! Why because I'm good at what I do? I've even hear on other threads that If you have more then 10 kups in your system (TKD) then your a Mc dojang.. If you do events in your school.. Then your a Mcdojang... If you keep your school clean. The your a Mcdojang.... If you charge for belt testing... Then your a Mc dojang.... Well what about these schools that teach every martial art under the sun. (Student of many...master of none..) They are more the Mcdojang to me. I know when I go to pizza hut, mainly I get pizza. But when I go to McDonalds I can have about 120 different things. Keep in mind they started off making just the hamburger! Oh .. I forgot ...If you have a nice website that really works ( not like twindragons) the your a Mc dojang....