Should I go?

Well class went well. There were alot of kids in this one. But I knew that when I went. Usually the later classes are adults.. but since I missed last night I wanted to make it up today. Normally I don't go on fridays because the only class is @ 4 and its usually all kids. Which is fine. I learn just the same.

I think something is wrong with my left leg.. or at least up in the inner thigh/groin area. I already "pulled" it once before, and ever since then its not taken much to hurt it again. Today I was doing split pushups in class.. and i felt it snag.. I couldn't kick higher than stomach area the rest of the class without searing pain. I can usually kick head level with ease..

what could it be and How do i get rid of it? The double kicks I had to do were rough.
Glad you made it to class. Take it easy on your leg. Groin pulls are no fun.

Yup! and Yup! Just don't push it and it will heal. Lay off the high kicks and splits for awhile. Don't let it stop you from training though!!
Glad you had a good class!