Should flogging replace prison time?

While I see what you are saying. You don't drive around at 100mph daily do you? Of course not. Why? Because you don't want the hassles that come with being pulled over and ticketed, that, my friend, is deterrence.

I don't drive at 100 MPH daily because while I know that I am extremely unlikely to be ticketed on the roads that I do drive, exceeding 100 MPH in my current vehicle on these roads would be a form of suicide. The police are not much threat. The road itself? Is - And there's nothing that provokes me to take that risk.
World English Dictionary
deterrent (dɪˈtɛrənt)
— n
1.something that deters
2.a weapon or combination of weapons, esp nuclear, held by one state, etc, to deter attack by another
— adj
3.tending or used to deter; restraining

1. As in a law, fear of punishment, fear of violent reprisal, i.e., "I better not punch that guy in the mouth, he might kick my ***."
While I see what you are saying. You don't drive around at 100mph daily do you? Of course not. Why? Because you don't want the hassles that come with being pulled over and ticketed, that, my friend, is deterrence.

Let me try to clarify then. I don't believe that increasing the severity of the punishment (i.e. flogging them instead of, or in addition to, incarceration) is going to deter enough criminals to make it worth the costs. Of course some people choose not to commit an act because there might be consequences. But I just don't believe that most criminals are going to think "oh well now I might get flogged instead of just thrown in jail, I better not." That gives them too much credit of forethought.

I could very well be wrong about the deterrent effect of increasing the penalty. If that is the case, the discussion would go from "does it?" to "does it enough to warrant the costs?", which is kinda its own can of worms.
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All else aside, I've never had prison food, but I have had jail food before. Stuff tastes nasty, and rightly so. I have to wonder if those calling prison Club Med have ever even been in a jail, let alone prison.

I used to work in one. Lets see....they had numerous programs available to them, 3 hot meals, though I can't attest to the quality or taste of got 4hrs of dayroom time, where they could watch tv, play board games, they had phone access, visits, access to weights, access to outdoor rec. Gee, you commit a crime and you have all the things that you'd have at home. Hmm...sounds like club med to me.

The major differences, are that you're locked up. The COs control your movement. Other than that.....

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