

White Belt
Being a personal interest of mine, I was curious as to whether very many people practiced “Shodo” (as a supplement to their MA). I presume that any kendo or Iaido students would, but I have met very few others who do. I've found the correlation between “open” hand techniques and Shodo “motions” & “strokes” very interesting (much like the sword arts do). There's also the “meditative” aspect to consider.
I have dabbled in the art of Japanese calligraphy but that's about the extent of it. I have all the requisite materials, it's just a case of whether I have the requisite skill :D.

I wouldn't say tho' that there is much practical linkage between writing and swordwork - I am willing to be shown differently of course and it wouldn't be the first time I've been wrong.

The philosophical, meditative and artistic elements, however, I do agree are valuable in their own right.
"I wouldn't say tho' that there is much practical linkage between writing and swordwork"

!-- @page { size: 8.5in 11in; margin: 0.79in } P { margin-bottom: 0.08in } --> My reference comes from both one of my calligraphy instructors (whom went to Japan to study Iaido,where it was a requirement to practice shodo), and with individuals I know whom practice kendo it is common to practice shodo. The "base" idea? is from the "one oppertunity, one stroke" concept (same thought line with both sword strokes or brush strokes...there's no "do over") At least that was one of the reasons given to myself.
whom went to Japan to study Iaido,where it was a requirement to practice shodo
Interesting! This is the first time I've ever heard of shodo being a requirement for iaido. What school of iaido did he study? I know of a couple of people that dabble in shodo, but there is a large dearth of qualified instruction in it in the U.S.
actually, it was a choice of either "Shodo" or "Tai chi" (he choose Shodo) I'm not certain which school it was. He's a collage teacher (I believe in florida?) and (again, I believe) is now living in Denver (which is where I met him) he's published several very fine books on shodo.

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