Shocking Statistics

In this part of the world where I live and work, people blame rapes on pornography, the influence of foreign cultures and women themselves - for wearing Western dresses and going out with male friends. When another incident happens, the indignant headlines, excited TV talk shows, candlelight vigils, promises by authorities and platitudes by politicians return with familiar gusto.
But nothing really changes for Delhi's women. "It is as if there is a silent conspiracy in this city," a woman friend says, "to keep the women scared." They say they are not safe anywhere, at home, on the streets, on a bus, on the new metro system, nowhere really.

It is ironic that everything else is to blame for the savage rape except the perpetrators themselves. It's disgusting.
It's always the same story: Empowering women is the best way to raise the standard of living in a country. This is some very sick stuff, but let's hope some positive changes come from it.

As to it being the 21st century: I have come to the conclusion that, sadly, we still need to treat these things in the concept of ages, as with the Bronze Age which is marked by "characterized by the use of copper and its alloy bronze as the chief hard materials in the manufacture of some implements and weapons" and is dated at around 3750-600 BCE in Europe but 800-300 BCE in Korea, to pick two examples. Some cultures are in the (early stages of the) modern age of gender equality, though surely all have a ways to go, but others have not yet reached it.

Six men have been arrested and charged with murder, it seems they face the death penalty IF found guilty, perhaps this time they will be but many are worried that if that happens it will increase violence towards women as the rapist will kill their victims to avoid detection! Talk about a no win situation.