JR 137
Not trying to start an argument in any way, but the “Bruce Lee combined arts” line of thinking gets old. Sure he did, and sure he did a great job of it. In fact, every art started as things taken from various sources and combined into a system.Sir,
The late great BRUCE LEE did the same. The results speaks for themselves.
But a simple, logical fact in that line of thinking remains: Bruce Lee wasn’t an ordinary guy. He wasn’t the norm. He deeply understood why he was pulling what he pulled from each art and how it fit together. That’s no easy task. When people say “Bruce Lee did it, so so can I,” my simple reply is “when you’ve got the skill and knowledge level of Bruce Lee, then I’ll take that argument seriously.” It reminds me of a delusional soccer player I used to treat. He tore his ACL and was told the entire process would take 9-12 months of rehab before he was back 100%. Before surgery, he told me “Jerry Rice was playing 3 weeks after he tore his.” My reply was “when you’re 1/10th the athlete Jerry Rice is, we’ll talk. Until we cross that imaginary bridge, it’ll take you 9-12 months.” He found a surgeon to repair his ACL and clear him months after surgery. He re-tore it 2 weeks after being cleared. He was no Jerry Rice. And Jerry Rice played without surgery, then ended up getting it a few weeks later because he had so many problems.
Moral of the story is just because an ultra-elite guy pulled from several different systems doesn’t mean everyone else can not should.