greetings. I have a question that I hope somebody can help me with. I am a new student in Kung Fu. As part of our training, we do jumping kicks. Nothing fancy, no spins or turns or kicking behind us. We just jump, kick, then land.
My problem is, after a few weeks of this, I am experiencing pain in my shins after a workout that includes these kicks. It's not a muscle pain, it feels more like they would feel if they were bruised along their full length. And of course, the pain is worse if I jump or run.
Does anyone know what this is, and what I can do to prevent it ?

My problem is, after a few weeks of this, I am experiencing pain in my shins after a workout that includes these kicks. It's not a muscle pain, it feels more like they would feel if they were bruised along their full length. And of course, the pain is worse if I jump or run.
Does anyone know what this is, and what I can do to prevent it ?