Shin Contact Point, Flat or Pointy Side?

I'm with you Fightstuff, on the area of the shin to contact with. If the opponent steps back, you will still contact wit the lower shin. But all in all, it really depeeds on the range. If my opponent is out of reach of my straight knee, I may knee kick him, hitting wit the upper part of my shin. It just depends.

I don't agree with the shin conditioning though, hehe. I personally believe you need to have a specific training regime for the shin to toughen it. In Thailand they don't really do much in this department, because they fight every week and have been doing it all their lives in most cases... so bone to bone contact is more tolerable for them. But for westerners such as myself and others, if we plan on using Muay Thai in the way they use it, you have to toughen your shins. The Thais don't call us soft shins for nothing. Too many times have I seen people under the impression that bagwork/padwork toughens it enough. Only to see them in a fight, connect with one knee block, and be unable to kick with that leg for the rest of the round, or next few rounds in some cases. Just my humble opinion.
I have been taught to kick with the bottom portion of the shin and block with the top when possible. The bottom is "sharper" and the top broader. We do train to condition the whole shin though.
I was taught to kick with the lower part of my shin. Sometimes I hit with the center though depending on what my opponent is doing.

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