Shihan in Japan


Senior Master
I've heard alot about shihan in Japan, how its great to go visit them as well as Hatsumi's classes. I've been able to find Hatsumi's schedule but not the schedule of the various shinan (or their names for that matter). Is there a comprehensive list of classes the shihan offer? How about a brief synopsis of who they are and what they tend to teach? I assume it changes periodically, but is there a preference each individual tends to favor?
Hi Mrhnau,

There are quite a few Japanese Shihan that people go to visit regularly.
Here is a list of some of them and if I miss someone then I am sure that someone else will add to my list:

Noguchi Sensei
Nagato Sensei
Senno Sensei
Oguri Sensei
Shiraishi Sensei
Someya Sensei
Nakadai Sensei
Nagase Sensei
Ishizuka Sensei

If I forgot anyone my apologies! :asian:

There are many more but these are the ones that popped out of my head.
I am sure that Don, Rich or Kreth can fill in several more.

I do not believe you will find their class schedules on the internet but they are easily available once you are in Japan. Several teach right out of the Hombu Dojo as well as their own Dojo.

I will leave synopsis and bios to those that know them better. Though I will say that each person is unique and that is what makes training with every Shihan a great experience.

For information on when they might be teadching and where, you probably could email Sensei George Ohashi the Hombu Administrator at :
Thanks Brian. I had found that site already. If I get the chance to go soon, I'll contact him directly. I'm hoping I get the chance once I get a bit more training under my belt :)
Ohashi Sensei helped me out quite a bit when I last visited. Definately email him if you have questions. Just reading through his website helps quite a bit.
Many of the shihan have scheduals, but they change sometimes. Nagato will sometimes have a class at the honbu during the day, but not if there looks like only three folks can show up.

There is a list of shihan that teach at the honbu posted there. It is updated quite frequently.

A good way to find out who is training when you get to Japan is to go to one of Hatsumi's sessions and many of the people there can tell you who will be teaching where that week. George Ohashi gives an announcement of things like this as soon as the class bows out. I advise you to listen to it. In some cases, like Nagase, the only way you can probably find his class is to get a photocopy of a map from the station to the dojo. So you probably want to talk to the various shihan that go to training with Hatsumi and ask them about that sort of thing.