"She Had To Die Because She Was White"

Bigshadow said:
Actually it is the Declaration of Independence

" We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

Equal in Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness among other things. Does not mean that we are all biologically equal. For if we were, we ALL could win the Olympics. I know I CANNOT, damn genes get in the way! LOL
Ah, thanks for the correction... apparently foot in mouth still reigns from time to time far as my memory of people/places/things.

As far as the biologic equality... :idunno: each race has it's strengths and weaknesses... who's better? Nobody when it comes down to it.
MACaver said:
Ah, thanks for the correction... apparently foot in mouth still reigns from time to time far as my memory of people/places/things.

As far as the biologic equality... :idunno: each race has it's strengths and weaknesses... who's better? Nobody when it comes down to it.

I have always heard that different races have different biological strengths and weaknesses. When I was in elementary school they taught us for instance that black people had "better" fast twitch muscles than white people, and that was why more black people were succesful in games like basketball which required more sprinting. This never made sense to me for alot of reasons, including the fact that black people seem to excel in alot of different sports, as do people of all races. I always thought that there were more blacks in basketball because it tended to be more of an urban sport.

Now, I don't want to start a race war on this forum, but my question is do the races really have different strengths and weaknesses based on their biology? I don't mean to challenge your assertion, I'm just looking for anyone who knows some real factual information regarding this. If it's true, how does racial intermingling effect this? Eventually, maybe 5000 years from now but eventually, we'll probably all be grey anyway, how will that effect our strengths and weaknesses? Are all people of a certain race stronger or weaker in the same way? That doesn't seem accurate according to my experience, but I don't know.

So I guess what I'm asking is does anyone have any real scientific information to back up this assertion?

Hello, Not sure but I believe convicted criminals commits over 75% of the crime in America.

The quilty get to do it over and over again with rest and recreation(jail time) and then is let go to roam free till they are caught again.

Only the criminals has rights........to get release because of over crowding, and parole boards that has no thought to what is a rapist,child offender can do when release. These people never get cure from jail time.

It happens only in America...........sometimes being bad can be good for you?....NOT!!!!!! ...............Aloha

In Hawaii it takes about $32,000 (per year) to care for one jail prisoner. The cost will never go down. Can we all afford this...YOUR taxes?

When it hits's over $50,000.00(per year) what will we do? Go directly to jail...cheaper to live there?

The world is getting over crowded...can we keep our cost of living down by keeping these (criminals ) alive....and for what...to be release and started there crime's again and again.......

when it happens to you....crime against you! ...maybe you will change?
Thesemindz said:
I have always heard that different races have different biological strengths and weaknesses. When I was in elementary school they taught us for instance that black people had "better" fast twitch muscles than white people, and that was why more black people were succesful in games like basketball which required more sprinting. This never made sense to me for alot of reasons, including the fact that black people seem to excel in alot of different sports, as do people of all races. I always thought that there were more blacks in basketball because it tended to be more of an urban sport.

Now, I don't want to start a race war on this forum, but my question is do the races really have different strengths and weaknesses based on their biology? I don't mean to challenge your assertion, I'm just looking for anyone who knows some real factual information regarding this. If it's true, how does racial intermingling effect this? Eventually, maybe 5000 years from now but eventually, we'll probably all be grey anyway, how will that effect our strengths and weaknesses? Are all people of a certain race stronger or weaker in the same way? That doesn't seem accurate according to my experience, but I don't know.

So I guess what I'm asking is does anyone have any real scientific information to back up this assertion?

According to Chris Rock (who got applauded for it) and Jimmy the Greek (who got fired for it), many african americans are better at sports such as basketball and football, because they have disproportionate size and strength as a result of selective breeding during slavery (of course it could have been Jimmy's racist way of pointing this out that got him fired, rather than the actual theory, Jimmy was a peach that way).

Now, I don't comment on the veracity of this claim, other than to illustrate the varied people that hold this belief, and how they are perceived for having said it. Chris Rock says it, it's applauded.
ginshun said:
A hate crime cannot be commited against a person who is white.

That is just the reality as things are now.

I disagree. I think a black or hispanic or asian could easily be charged with a hate crime if they killed or injured a white person. One would have to prove it was racially motivated, just as they'd have to prove a white person was racially motivated in his killing of a black/hispanic/asian.

Personally I think the notion of a "hate crime" is silly. As others have pointed out here murder is murder. The fact that it was racially motivated could be used in sentencing, but I see no purpose in making the person's feelings about another person a crime in itself. Essentially you're charging a person for what he believes.

Murder is murder. Assault is assault. Rape is rape. Race and sexual orientation ought not figure in at all when we charge someone with a crime. By keeping this in mind we protect whites and non-whites from being penalized for a perspective.

Now this is going to sound rather odd, coming from me, but hate is...or ought to be...a right. When we get into criminalizing acts based on an emotion we step on to thin ice, and the double standard as pointed out will in no doubt take place as it has. We can not legislate control over thought without confounding the legal process and moving away from fairness and common sense.

That said, when we speak of double standards regarding race in our culture, methinks we white folks protest too loudly. I find it rather odd, and rather demeaning, when caucasians play the role of a victim whose civil rights are being abridged. If there are caucasians who suffer discrimination, it is more than likely because they are poor, not because they are white. Suffering from racial discrimination in America is typically not a white experience. True, we hear the occasional story of a white person who missed the cut for medical school, having been bumped by a minority...but this is far more rare than the daily discrimination that non-whites face in this country...and have for hundred of years.

And as far as Gays (and someone here brought them up), I have never heard of Gays going to straight neighborhoods and beating up on heterosexuals. When a homosexual pedophile gets caught, he's placed high on the skyline and homosexuality is blamed as the cause for his actions. When a heterosexual pedophile gets caught...and they are far more prevalent...we don't hold heterosexuality up as a contributing factor in the crime. That too is a double standard.


hardheadjarhead said:
I disagree. I think a black or hispanic or asian could easily be charged with a hate crime if they killed or injured a white person. One would have to prove it was racially motivated, just as they'd have to prove a white person was racially motivated in his killing of a black/hispanic/asian.
Admission would seem to be powerful evidence.

hardheadjarhead said:
Personally I think the notion of a "hate crime" is silly. As others have pointed out here murder is murder. The fact that it was racially motivated could be used in sentencing, but I see no purpose in making the person's feelings about another person a crime in itself. Essentially you're charging a person for what he believes.
I agree. Getting murdered over $10.00 is no better or worse than getting murdered over skin color.

hardheadjarhead said:
Murder is murder. Assault is assault. Rape is rape. Race and sexual orientation ought not figure in at all when we charge someone with a crime. By keeping this in mind we protect whites and non-whites from being penalized for a perspective.

hardheadjarhead said:
Now this is going to sound rather odd, coming from me, but hate is...or ought to be...a right. When we get into criminalizing acts based on an emotion we step on to thin ice, and the double standard as pointed out will in no doubt take place as it has. We can not legislate control over thought without confounding the legal process and moving away from fairness and common sense.
Thoughts should never be criminalized, only actions.

hardheadjarhead said:
That said, when we speak of double standards regarding race in our culture, methinks we white folks protest too loudly. I find it rather odd, and rather demeaning, when caucasians play the role of a victim whose civil rights are being abridged. If there are caucasians who suffer discrimination, it is more than likely because they are poor, not because they are white. Suffering from racial discrimination in America is typically not a white experience. True, we hear the occasional story of a white person who missed the cut for medical school, having been bumped by a minority...but this is far more rare than the daily discrimination that non-whites face in this country...and have for hundred of years.
The converse is that many minorities suffer far less than they would have you think. Perception of racism is as powerful a force as actual racism. I have to wonder at what point it becomes a self fulfilling prophecy.

hardheadjarhead said:
And as far as Gays (and someone here brought them up), I have never heard of Gays going to straight neighborhoods and beating up on heterosexuals. When a homosexual pedophile gets caught, he's placed high on the skyline and homosexuality is blamed as the cause for his actions. When a heterosexual pedophile gets caught...and they are far more prevalent...we don't hold heterosexuality up as a contributing factor in the crime. That too is a double standard.
Ok, let me get this straight (no pun intended) pedophilia is not homosexual or heterosexual, it is it's own sexual category. There are pedophiles that engage in heterosexual and homosexual sex, but the key preference is children. Therefore, the claim that hetersexual pedophilia is more prevalent is erroneous.

In fact, by and large, the majority if pedophiles, while sometimes having a preference, are many times opportunistic, meaning they will pray on either sex. [/QUOTE]


Steve [/QUOTE]
I have to tell you guys I am not happy. I was told today that I a job that I have posted in my shop has to be filled by a minority(and not the most qaulified one)I have interveiwed about 150 peoplemost could not read a ruler the 10 that could happen to be all white middle aged men. I was told I had to choose the in house candidate who could not only not read a ruler but could not do simple addding mutiplying and subtraction. I ask simple questions on my test, and nobody but the older guys got it right. Her are some sample qs\

What is Linear feet? What is the linear foot of a board that 1x6x12 ans 12

If a board is 1x6x12 how many board ft sdo you have ans 8

Then I give them the formula so only the math they need.

I hate having to hire because of eeoc
I personally think that the entire concept of a "Hate crime" is innapropriate.
It's like saying that one motive for murder makes the murder worse than any other motive.
Murder is murder by and large, and should be prosecuted as such.

Your brother
sgtmac_46 said:
Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness, does not mean the achievment of happiness. We have the right to pursue the goal of being in the Olympics, not the right to attain it without merit.
That is precisely what I meant! pursuit and achieve or have is not the same.
sgtmac_46 said:
because they have disproportionate size and strength as a result of selective breeding during slavery.
Actually I would disagree. I would say it reflects more on the way each sub-species genetics evolved over time spent in the various environments across the globe. Some were more suited for survival in the cold climates, others in the warm/hot arid regions and so forth. I think this had very little to do with Selective breeding. That reeks of political correctness run amuck.
Bigshadow said:
Actually I would disagree. I would say it reflects more on the way each sub-species genetics evolved over time spent in the various environments across the globe. Some were more suited for survival in the cold climates, others in the warm/hot arid regions and so forth. I think this had very little to do with Selective breeding. That reeks of political correctness run amuck.
The only way to really determine that is to study Africans still living in Africa and compare them African Americans. That is the only way to study of the effects of those type of phenomenon.

I don't really take seriously that claim, I just heard Chris Rock talking about it, and I remembered the trouble Jimmy the Greek got in to for nearly the same comment. I just thought it was interesting to contrast the responses to two different people, making the same claim. Though, I suppose, that it is possible that 300 years worth of selective breeding could alter things such as average height, weight, strength and a few other characteristics, i'm not sure if I buy the whole thing.
I'm iffy on the idea of hate crimes. It's one thing to make murdering a LEO or judge a special case, because that's an assault on our very system of government--but why is murdering someone based on ethnicity etc. worse than, say, a child who kills his parents? Murder is already what it is.
arnisador said:
I'm iffy on the idea of hate crimes. It's one thing to make murdering a LEO or judge a special case, because that's an assault on our very system of government--but why is murdering someone based on ethnicity etc. worse than, say, a child who kills his parents? Murder is already what it is.
As I mentioned earlier, I believe that the hate crimes statutes aren't really designed to enhance the penalty for murder. It seems more designed to be a token show of support for minorities. It's really a window dressing statute. Where the hate crimes statutes seem to be more applied, however, is curb certain kinds of speech, i.e. any speech that is racially charged. In the curbing of certain kinds of speech, hate crime statutes seem to have a role.
sgtmac_46 said:
Admission would seem to be powerful evidence.
Very true.

sgtmac_46 said:
The converse is that many minorities suffer far less than they would have you think. Perception of racism is as powerful a force as actual racism. I have to wonder at what point it becomes a self fulfilling prophecy.


Then you're suggesting we've come quite far since I was a child. In the 60's it wasn't merely a perception. I suggest it isn't merely a perception now.

Four years ago or so we had a young man here in Bloomington, Benjamin Smith, shoot a Korean student to death outside his church. Smith, a white supremacist, then went on a shooting spree up in Illinois, killing Ricky Birdsong and wounding nine others. I was a block or so from the shooting and missed seeing it by one minute. Or did I imagine that?

An isolated incident? Perhaps. Four weeks later as I was coming back from a tournament I stopped off at a restaurant in Richmond, Indiana. There, next to the Shoney's, sat one of the "World Church of the Creator," "churches" founded by Matthew Hale, Smith's mentor. In the restaurant parking lot two families in their Sunday finest were saying goodbye to each other...and I swear on my father's sword...they gave each other Fascist salutes (and the women giggled at that) before departing. I wish I was making that up.

Racism isn't perceived in this country because of the "power of the frown." It has been justly demonized and it has gone underground. Here in southern Indiana it is very much alive...you just need to scrape down a bit to find it...and not far at that.

I'd love to have a dollar (used to be a nickel, but I'm adjusting for inflation) for every time I've heard, "There are black men, and there are ******s." How generous. They've been so nice as to recognize there are black men.

Not long ago I was talking to a man about Bush's Hispanic cabinet appointments (Gonzales to DOJ, Martinez to HUD), and he snorted...asking if Bush had appointed any "Americans" to his cabinet. A similar story--some years ago one of my black belts was having coffee with his friend at the McDonald's across the street. A man heard them speaking Spanish and yelled at them to "speak American!" They told him they were...and went on with their conversation in Spanish, the only European language spoken on this continent for almost 150 years.

Two weeks ago here in Bloomington we had our mosque firebombed. When I was an undergrad here they burned the synagogue.

When I was a child living in Lafayette, Indiana, my father (a journalist...and a Republican) published an editorial decrying racial injustice in America. My sister received a phone call soon after threatening each of the family's children. They knew our first names...including my baby brother's. Late one night they blew the front door of our house off its hinges with a bomb.

I leave you to the racists themselves and [/I]their perceptions. Just a few of many. Read a few, and we can agree that the perception of racism is indeed a powerful thing:







sgtmac_46 said:
Ok, let me get this straight (no pun intended) pedophilia is not homosexual or heterosexual, it is it's own sexual category. There are pedophiles that engage in heterosexual and homosexual sex, but the key preference is children. Therefore, the claim that hetersexual pedophilia is more prevalent is erroneous.

Are you asking a question here or making a statement?

What I was attempting to say is that whenever a child molester rapes a child of the same sex, homosexuals who prefer sex with adults are then very often demonized themselves as being child molesters. Heterosexuals who prefer sex with adults are not demonized when a child molester rapes a child of the opposite sex. Is that more clear?

sgtmac_46 said:
In fact, by and large, the majority if pedophiles, while sometimes having a preference, are many times opportunistic, meaning they will pray on either sex.

The majority of child molesters cross over lines of gender and age when they rape. There is an increasing body of research supporting this. DOJ reports indicate that a large number of sex offenders who have been jailed for sexually assaulting adults report themselves as having had a young victim at one time or another--for which they were not currently incarcerated.

Something to note here: Pedophilia is a psychological term. It isn't indicative of behavior. It indicates a paraphilic fetishistic attraction to children who are pre-adolescents, contrasted to ephebophilia, which is an unnatural attraction to adolescents.

Child molestation is a legal term, and an act prosecutable by law.

A pedophile might never in his life ever harm a child. He might be fully aware of his inclination, recognizes it as dangerous, and he then "stays in the closet" as it were. He might not break any law or act on his fantasies in any way.

A child molester might not be pedophilic, but merely sociopathic...crossing over age and gender lines.

Then too he might be neither sociopathic or a pedophile or ephebophile, yet comes under the hammer of the law--such as the nineteen year old who has a fourteen year old girlfriend. Often the law allows for some leeway here.

Over 95% of child molesters report themselves as heterosexual and state they're attracted to adults. I suspect that true pedophiles are likely in the minority of total child molesters that we incarcerate...but they get an awful lot of press because of the behaviors of the non-pedophilic sociopath. The latter may well be doing the majority of the raping and then incorrectly labeled "pedophilic." Crimes against children get the headlines, as they ought...but sometimes the news can mislead us.

Recently Jack McCafferty (spelling?) on CNN reported (in his typical curmudgeonly outrage) that there were 30,000 sex offenders walking the streets of Florida. What people assume is that there are that many convicted child molesters in the population. That isn't necessarily the case. A sex offender--depending upon state law and definition--might be a rapist, an exhibitionist, a homosexual convicted under the old sodomy laws of his state, a peeping tom, a person who had sex with an animal (lock up your dogs, Jack), a froetturist, a prostitute.


hardheadjarhead said:

Then you're suggesting we've come quite far since I was a child. In the 60's it wasn't merely a perception. I suggest it isn't merely a perception now.
The claim that because it was true in the 1960's, it's true now, is a false argument. We have come quite far. Further, many of the ties that bind are of the african american communities own making now. It's the belief that, because it once was, it always will be, is ultimately self-destructive.

hardheadjarhead said:
Four years ago or so we had a young man here in Bloomington, Benjamin Smith, shoot a Korean student to death outside his church. Smith, a white supremacist, then went on a shooting spree up in Illinois, killing Ricky Birdsong and wounding nine others. I was a block or so from the shooting and missed seeing it by one minute. Or did I imagine that?
What does that have to do with racism in America? This thread started with a similar incident where a black man murdered a white woman because she was right? What does that prove? That all blacks are racists? Of course not. Wide spread institutional racism does not exist in this country, and to the extent that any of it lingers, that is by and far extremely exaggerated. You anecdotal story does nothing to prove that this country has not moved on since the 1960's.

hardheadjarhead said:
An isolated incident? Perhaps. Four weeks later as I was coming back from a tournament I stopped off at a restaurant in Richmond, Indiana. There, next to the Shoney's, sat one of the "World Church of the Creator," "churches" founded by Matthew Hale, Smith's mentor. In the restaurant parking lot two families in their Sunday finest were saying goodbye to each other...and I swear on my father's sword...they gave each other Fascist salutes (and the women giggled at that) before departing. I wish I was making that up.
Again, that has anything to do with what? These anecdotal stories aren't really adding anything to your statement that racism is wide-spread and institutionalized. Again, my earlier statement stands, and that is that the perception of racism is as damaging to the black community as any real racism. Many black leaders are coming to that conclusion as well. It's the victimhood that the black community needs to get beyond to move in to the role in society that they deserve. The key to the chains that bind them is in their own hands.

hardheadjarhead said:
Racism isn't perceived in this country because of the "power of the frown." It has been justly demonized and it has gone underground. Here in southern Indiana it is very much alive...you just need to scrape down a bit to find it...and not far at that.
Institutionalized racism has ended. Racism to the extent that you refer to it, i.e. individual racism, however, is endemic and widespread. Much researchs suggest that racism may, itself, be a nearly universal phenomenon. Out-group descrimination is present in every single society on this planet. So, to the extent that you use a lack of racism as the benchmark, it is an impossible goal to achieve. We have achieved, however, and end to institutionalized racism.

hardheadjarhead said:
I'd love to have a dollar (used to be a nickel, but I'm adjusting for inflation) for every time I've heard, "There are black men, and there are ******s." How generous. They've been so nice as to recognize there are black men.
See my above comment. This is hardly the benchmark of our society, as every society, culture, group of people, and nearly every individual has their ...isms. For example, racial descrimination and demonization is present in every culture. But those that don't utilize race to make their decision on who the out-group is use other standards....politics, religion, ethnicity, sex, language, nationality, etc...if you've every made a decision about persons character based on one of the above described, congradulations...you too have descriminated. It means you're a human being, with all the flaws. Our brains are designed to descriminate against outgroups. We have to guard against it, and try not to institutionalize it.

hardheadjarhead said:
Not long ago I was talking to a man about Bush's Hispanic cabinet appointments (Gonzales to DOJ, Martinez to HUD), and he snorted...asking if Bush had appointed any "Americans" to his cabinet. A similar story--some years ago one of my black belts was having coffee with his friend at the McDonald's across the street. A man heard them speaking Spanish and yelled at them to "speak American!" They told him they were...and went on with their conversation in Spanish, the only European language spoken on this continent for almost 150 years.
Again, more anecdotal evidence, hardly evidence of wide-spread institutionalized racism. As I pointed out, the benchmark you propose to use is hardly reasonable. I could also give you a list of people that hate "whitey", but would that prove that all blacks are racists? I hardly think so.

hardheadjarhead said:
Two weeks ago here in Bloomington we had our mosque firebombed. When I was an undergrad here they burned the synagogue.
That's pretty ironic.

hardheadjarhead said:
When I was a child living in Lafayette, Indiana, my father (a journalist...and a Republican) published an editorial decrying racial injustice in America. My sister received a phone call soon after threatening each of the family's children. They knew our first names...including my baby brother's. Late one night they blew the front door of our house off its hinges with a bomb.
Again, another example of a lot of anecdotal evidence about nothing.

hardheadjarhead said:
I leave you to the racists themselves and [/I]their perceptions. Just a few of many. Read a few, and we can agree that the perception of racism is indeed a powerful thing:







What you have listed is the work a few nuts. Again, I point out to you that the perception of racism is far in excess to any actual reality. How many black american's have even seen a klansman marching in person? I'd venture to guess a very small percentage. It's the perception that they are there that is powerful beyond their actual numbers. Again, racists of all races exists. The problem is that many black american's believe that a racist lives behind every tree, and it is that false belief that creates more problem than any actual racists.

hardheadjarhead said:
Are you asking a question here or making a statement?

What I was attempting to say is that whenever a child molester rapes a child of the same sex, homosexuals who prefer sex with adults are then very often demonized themselves as being child molesters. Heterosexuals who prefer sex with adults are not demonized when a child molester rapes a child of the opposite sex. Is that more clear?
You'll never hear me make that statement. Again, as I pointed out, pedophilia is an entirely different sexual issue than homosexuality.

hardheadjarhead said:
The majority of child molesters cross over lines of gender and age when they rape. There is an increasing body of research supporting this. DOJ reports indicate that a large number of sex offenders who have been jailed for sexually assaulting adults report themselves as having had a young victim at one time or another--for which they were not currently incarcerated.
A point I made. Most sexual predators are opportunistic in their behavior and choice of victims.

hardheadjarhead said:
Something to note here: Pedophilia is a psychological term. It isn't indicative of behavior. It indicates a paraphilic fetishistic attraction to children who are pre-adolescents, contrasted to ephebophilia, which is an unnatural attraction to adolescents.
It's a distinction that I am very aware of, having both studied the behavior and having dealt with many pedophiles first hand. A person that engages in pedophilic behavior is a pedophile. Again, it is a seperate sexual orientation than heterosexual or homosexual.

hardheadjarhead said:
Child molestation is a legal term, and an act prosecutable by law.
hardheadjarhead said:
A pedophile might never in his life ever harm a child. He might be fully aware of his inclination, recognizes it as dangerous, and he then "stays in the closet" as it were. He might not break any law or act on his fantasies in any way.
Just as any sexual orientation might choose not to engage in that behavior. However, sexual drives are extremely powerful. The danger always exists that a person will act out those fantasies. Their power is evident to anyone who understands that it's akin to telling a hetersexual person never to engage in sexual activity again. The drives are extremly powerful and dangerous in a pedophile. A person who has acted on those fantasies once, WILL do it again.

hardheadjarhead said:
A child molester might not be pedophilic, but merely sociopathic...crossing over age and gender lines.
A child molestor who engages in sexual activity with a pre-pubescent child has engaged in pedophilic behavior, though they may not primarily and solely be pedophilic.

hardheadjarhead said:
Then too he might be neither sociopathic or a pedophile or ephebophile, yet comes under the hammer of the law--such as the nineteen year old who has a fourteen year old girlfriend. Often the law allows for some leeway here.
Which is not a crime in the state of Missouri. However, sexual relations with post-pubescent but underage teens is a can of worms seperate from this issue.

hardheadjarhead said:
Over 95% of child molesters report themselves as heterosexual and state they're attracted to adults. I suspect that true pedophiles are likely in the minority of total child molesters that we incarcerate...but they get an awful lot of press because of the behaviors of the non-pedophilic sociopath. The latter may well be doing the majority of the raping and then incorrectly labeled "pedophilic." Crimes against children get the headlines, as they ought...but sometimes the news can mislead us.
Or the other possibility is that reporting is flawed. Many pedophiles may list themselves as primarily hetersexual as a way of describing themselves as more normal than they are. This is very likely the case in some circumstances, and maybe many. That's the problem with research that is based on reporting, as this topic necessarily is. Self-reporting is full of all sorts of built in error producing problems.

hardheadjarhead said:
Recently Jack McCafferty (spelling?) on CNN reported (in his typical curmudgeonly outrage) that there were 30,000 sex offenders walking the streets of Florida. What people assume is that there are that many convicted child molesters in the population. That isn't necessarily the case. A sex offender--depending upon state law and definition--might be a rapist, an exhibitionist, a homosexual convicted under the old sodomy laws of his state, a peeping tom, a person who had sex with an animal (lock up your dogs, Jack), a froetturist, a prostitute.
I'm looking at my states sex offender list, and none of the minor offenses you listed are on any of these. In Missouri, for example, being a peeping tom is not an offense, it is criminal trespass, and as such is not a sex offense. Ditto prostitution, a prostitute is not considered a sex offender per the reporting statute. Also, Missouri doesn't charge adults with violation of sodomy laws, and they will likely be completely removed from any statute soon.

A note on peeping toms, however. They aren't harmless. Many sexual predators start out as peeping toms, until they gain the courage to engage in more serious activities.

I'll link you to it. http://www.mshp.state.mo.us/cgi-bin/ibi_cgi/ibiweb.exe


Steve [/QUOTE]
Hey guys, I'm not going to get into the huge and nasty business of racism, homophobia and the like... it's wrong.
BUT: I'm looking for a definitive argument for why it's necessary to have crimes designated and differentiated as "Hate" crimes; and thereby given different penalties under the law.
I'd like to be better informed on this, in other words.
Can ya help a brother out?

Your Brother
sgtmac_46 said:
I don't really take seriously that claim, I just heard Chris Rock talking about it, and I remembered the trouble Jimmy the Greek got in to for nearly the same comment.
Without straying off-topic too much, I don't find it suprising that Chris Rock can get away with racist comments while his caucasian counter parts will get roasted at the stake. Actually pretty typical. It goes right along with the "Hate-crime" mentality.
Actually I would disagree. I would say it reflects more on the way each sub-species genetics evolved over time spent in the various environments across the globe.

Didn't Howard Cosell get fired for saying as much about black athletes and Africa?
I like that Whoopie Goldberg thinks that Jimmy the Greek was spot on.

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