Sometimes it can be really lonely, being a music nerd. I picked up on things that people around me don't. How do I know? Because I will ask them, "Hey did you ever notice in song X, it sounds like this thing where (insert nerdy observation here)?" Without a doubt, 9 out of 10 people don't know what the hell I mean. The tenth person just says, "Never thought of that, but interesting."
Why am I mentioning this? Well, funny you should ask! I got a "greatest his" Smiths CD out of the library last week. I was listening to the song "Hand in Glove," and I caught these lyrics:
Hand in glove
We can go wherever we please
And everything depends upon
How near you stand to me
The reason I put those lyrics in bold is because it triggered a memory in my brain. The words were familiar, but I could not figure out why. Then it hit me: Leonard Cohen! Check out these lines from "Take This Longing," if you will:
Your body like a searchlight
My poverty revealed
I would like to try your charity
Until you cry, "now you must try my greed"
And everything depends upon
How near you sleep to me
Now I have heard what a super huge fan Morrissey was of the New York Dolls, but I have no input as to whether or not he liked Leonard Cohen, or cited him as an influence.
Does anyone else see what I mean here? Can anyone shed some light on it, or at least share their thoughts?