A bit of a ramble... please bear with me...
My Kenpo Instructor was (infamous) Master Jack Long -
Years back I spoke with .. man I am drawing a blank.. this guy was the Senior Martial Artist of the bay area... everyone was junior to him, even Professor Castro.. maybe his name will come to me later.. wait... Al Novak? YES.. this is him (I just looked him up)
Anyway, Master Novak told me that Master Long trained for a time under Professor Castro. He also told me that Master Long also trained under Master John Keehan (also infamous).
Anyway, I was just going to say that our forms were different from Professor Castro's..
These days I suppose it may surprise some here, but since I started training with Master Long when I was about 10 years old or so... and then met up with him when I was in my late 40's... and NEVER did I ask him about his lineage. It just never occurred to me.
So I have no idea where what Master Long taught us came from.
I can say that Master Long abhorred weapons... never used them (except for one strange little thing he used that looking like TINY nun-chucks)..
Anyway - aside from his really obvious personality and moral flaws, Master Long was / is an astounding Martial Artist.. so I just took what knowledge he was willing to give, and for me, that was enough.
By the way.. I think I remember Bill Grossman from tournaments back in the 80's in the SF bayarea. I hope no one is offended by this question - but I'm trying to remember if the guy I remember is Bill Grossman.. does he have an artificial leg (lower leg I think).
Sorry for the rambling post.